Hastinapur and Draupadi.

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Drupad, the king of Panchal welcomed Vidur and led to the main sitting area. The Pandavas after meeting Vidur touched his feet. "Pranipaat, dear Mamashri!" they greeted him. Vidur had tears in his eyes while speaking, "I'm pleased to know that you are alive my dear sons of Pandu." Only Vidur loved Pandavas as his own sons and advised Dhritarashtra not to differentiate between his sons and Pandavas. "Why have you come here Oh Mamashri?" Yudhisthir asked him. Sitting upon one seat made of gold, Vidur said "I'm sent via King Dhritarashtra to tell you to come back to Hastinapur. He has promised to give you your piece of land. He wants to end rivalry between you and your cousins." "Which trick of Kauravas is this Mamashri?" Vrikodara asked him. "I also think this time those Kauravas have thought of something else to trap us", Arjun angrily said to his Mamashri. "Arjun calm down", Yudhisthir tried to calm him. Yudhisthir was quite understanding as he did not react quickly to such messages. "If our uncle Dhritarashtra wants to end rivalry then we must respect him and go to Hastinapur." This time, his brothers thought that Yudhisthir was correct to take this decision. They decided to go to Hastinapur, that very day. Message was sent to Draupadi that they were returning to their kingdom Hastinapur.

Draupadi was sad that she would have to leave home of her father. She had loved Panchal very much as Panchal's princess. But she knew this was tradition was one day she would have to leave her maternal home and go to her new dwelling. She carried her ornaments along with her, those which her parents had given as gifts to her in her marriage. Those would be her only memories of her home now. Clad in red robes she was ready to leave for Hastinapur. She came to the outside of her palace. Her parents were teary eyed as they did not like prospect of her leaving them and going to her husbands. Draupadi touched their feet and gave one hug to her mother Prishati. "Forever keep me in your prayers", she said to her mother. Her father, blessed her and gave her many gifts while returning. She met Dhristadyumna and Shikhandi, then met Satyajit and finally sat in her palanquin. Four men carried that palanquin towards Hastinapur and her husbands, the Pandavas came along with her upon their chariots. After one day, they reached the beautiful city Hastinapur.

The Pandavas were welcomed with blowing of conchshells. King Dhritarashtra himself came to receive them with Bhishmah and Dronacharya. Duryodhan and his brothers were standing near their father. "Welcome my nephews. I'm glad you are alive and well. Let's end this rivalry between you and your cousins and live happily", he said to Yudhisthir and his brothers. "Yes Mamashri, as you wish", Yudhisthir replied to him. Yudhisthir respected all his elders. He never thought bad for some one. Draupadi came out from her palanquin. Her face was half veiled. She touched the feet of Dhritarashtra and the other elders. They blessed her with prosperity and fame in her life. Queen Gandhari, the wife of Dhritarashtra gave one hug to Kunti and then Draupadi. "You are truly beautiful Draupadi" she complimented her. "Its long we met Kunti" she said to her. Kunti greatly respected Gandhari but she knew how her sons were evil and vicious and what their acts were. To Draupadi, this place was quite different and new. Gandhari led her to one chamber while the Pandavas  were alloted five different chambers. Draupadi's maid Dhatreyika had come along with her from Panchal to take care of her. She was the only one who was close to Draupadi. Dhritarashtra told the Pandavas to take rest for some days in Hastinapur. The Pandavas decided to abide to wish of Dhritarashtra.

That night was Draupadi's first night in Hastinapur. She and the Pandavas had decided one rule among them to allow one brother among those five brothers to stay with her for one year. Only Yudhisthir could come to her chamber that particular year. She was waiting for him.

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