Conquering Aryavarta.

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Krishna said to Yudhisthir "First of all, we must get victory upon Magadh. To do that, we will have to slay Jarasandh of Magadh, that evil king who has been slaying wise and noble kings and torturing others kings of Aryavarta. Shishupal is his close ally. We must slay that Jarasandh. Then only, those ally kings of Jarasandh will bow to you. Only Vrikodara can do this difficult task. He only can slay Jarasandh." Yudhisthir and his brothers liked this plan. Jarasandh troubled all kings and princes in Aryavarta. "I will slay that Jarasandh", Vrikodara was angrily exclaiming to his brothers. "You can't slay him normally. Due to one blessing in his lifetime, you can only slay him when you tear his two thighs." This was weird but that valiant Vrikodara was ready to do this. He would usually wait for combating with his enemies as he loved to beat them, slap them and slay them, showing his valor infront of all. "I will come with you Bheema", Krishna said and Arjun also pleaded to come along with them to Magadh. Thus, Krishna with Vrikodara and Arjun went to Magadh. Draupadi was wishing them best of luck and praying to Lord Narayan to save them.

Vrikodara, with Krishna's help was victorious in slaying Jarasandh. This news reached like wild fire to Hastinapur and all other kingdoms. Duryodhan was angry when he came to hear that Jarasandh had perished. Karna and Shishupal were angry as well. But Duryodhan was frightened to say any thing against them because he knew that Krishna was supporting them. After Krishna reached Indraprastha with Arjun and Vrikodara, Draupadi happily welcomed them along with maharanis of Krishna who were besides Draupadi. Yudhisthir praised his brother Bheema. Krishna would help them each time when they called him. Now Pandavas had to conquer kingdoms of all Aryavarta. Vrikodara conquered kingdoms of east and Arjun conquered north part of Aryavarta, Nakul conquered West, Sahadev conquered Southern part. Yudhishthira is declared Dharmaraja. Valiant Arjun won with King Bhagadatta and King Vrihanta. He won with King Viswagaswa of Puru race and with Trigartas. He then went to town of Avisari and conquered King Rochamana and further won with Daradas and Kambhojas. He won with kings who ruled in Himalayas. He also won with Kimpurushas. Vrikodara marched towards east direction and conquered Gandakas, Videhas and King Sudharman who used to rule Dasarnas. He then won with King Rochamana of Aswamedha. He then marched into Pulinda and brought King Sukumar and King Sumitra under Yudhisthir's rule. Karna of Anga was not ready to pay tribute to Yudhisthir but Vrikodara after combating with him for many days finally managed to win and told him to pay tribute to Yudhisthir and Indraprastha. Karna fumed with anger but could not go against Yudhisthir as this time, Vrikodara had won with him. Then he went to kingdom of Chedi where King Shishupal used to rule. Shishupal after welcoming Vrikodara, said yes to pay tribute to Yudhistgir and Indraprastha. Shishupal was not against Yudhisthir and his brothers, he was only against Krishna of Dwarka. Then Vrikodara went to Mithila where that pious king Janak said that Mithila will forever be Indraprastha's well-wisher. Thus, Vrikodara came back to his kingdom Indraprastha with gold and many gifts which kings had given him as tribute to Yudhisthir and Indraprastha. Sahadev conquered Matsyas and Surasenas. He also won with Dantavakra and Nishadas. He won with King Bhishmaka of Vidarbha and with kings of kingdom Kishkinda. Nakul also won with many royal Kshatriyas and princes and came back to Yudhisthir with gifts of gold, silk robes and tributes.

Thus, all kings of Aryavarta had pledged their loyalty to Yudhisthir and he would he their Emperor with Draupadi as their Samraagyi.

Yudhisthir had invited all those kings to his ceremony. He would be given title of Samraat Yudhisthir and would be called Dharmaraj.

Duryodhan did not want to promise his loyalty to Yudhisthir, but did that because of Shakuni who promised him that he would think of one plan to win with those Pandavas. He hesitantly gave tribute to all Pandavas. Shakuni had one wish to humiliate those Pandavas. He was wishing that Kurus must be divided and destroyed.

Draupadi was delighted because of victory of her husbands. Krishna's wives were pleased for her as she was going to be one Samraagyi.

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