Satyabhama meets Yagnaseni.

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One day, Krishna and Satyabhama came to hermitage of Pandavas from their kingdom Dwarka. Welcoming them to their hermitage, all Pandavas sat near Krishna to ask him of his welfare and about their relatives in Dwarka. Draupadi was pleased to see Satyabhama as this was their 2nd meeting after they had once met in Indraprastha.

Draupadi knew that Satyabhama was quite confident and bold lady like her. She asked Satyabhama to sit upon one seat and asked her "Oh Satyabhama maharani! Tell me about my kids. How is Abhimanyu and my other dear children? How is my dear Suthanu? And how is our Subhadra?" Draupadi's eyes were dripping tears of love for her children. Satyabhama said "Do not worry dear Draupadi! Your sons are fine and Pradyumna has trained them well. Suthanu is of ten years now and she is pride of Dwarka. I love her very much. She is cute and nice. Subhadra and Rukmini take care of your sons like their own children. You must live peacefully without any worry about your children." Listening to Satyabhama maharani, Draupadi was pleased and gave one hug of love to her. Satyabhama was very dear to her as she was Krishna's wife. Then they sat discussing about different matters in life.

Satyabhama curiously asked Draupadi, "Are you some magician Draupadi? How well have you taken care of your five husbands! And surprisingly, all of them love you very much. How did you make all of them love you? I'm curious to know Yagnaseni."

Smiling towards Satyabhama maharani, that pious woman Draupadi said "I have not done any magic upon my husbands

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Smiling towards Satyabhama maharani, that pious woman Draupadi said "I have not done any magic upon my husbands. I have devoted my mind to them and that is why, they love me as their dutiful wife. I feed all my husbands, along with many Brahmanas who come to meet us, and once they have completed their delicious meal, only then do I sit to have my meal. When my husbands are not sitting near me, my thought comprises of only them. I only think about Yudhisthir and his dear brothers who are my husbands. I never disrespect my husbands and that is why, they also respect me as their wife. I give them privacy when they are discussing important matters and do not let them discuss other matters when they are with me. Thus, I am loyal as well as one dedicated wife."

Listening to Draupadi, Satyabhama was impressed with her. "You are truly gem among women of Aryavarta", she complimented Draupadi. "And you are most beautiful queen of your Dwarka", Draupadi said to her. Finally time of departure came.

Draupadi gave one hug to Satyabhama and then said to Krishna "Do come again with my dear sakhi!" Noble Krishna bid all of them bye and with Satyabhama he mounted his chariot to leave for Dwarka. "Do come again dear Krishna!" shouted Arjun and Draupadi. "Yes I will come my dear Arjun and Draupadi!" Krishna replied and asked charioteer to take their chariot towards Dwarka.

All of them were pleased as they had met Krishna and his wife.

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