Yudhisthir and Draupadi.

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Yudhisthir did not show upon his face his happiness. But he was also pleased to marry Draupadi as she was most beautiful in Aryavarta. Yudhisthir entered her chamber and all her maids went out of their chamber to give them privacy as wife and husband. Draupadi's face was half veiled. She was sitting upon her silk bed. He saw her sitting upon her bed and sat besides her to talk to his wife. He held her veil and then unveiled her beautiful face. He was mesmerised with Draupadi's flawless beauty. Her eyes were like two lotus petals, she had coppery nails and dark skin tone. She was the most beautiful woman Yudhisthir had met. He said to her lovingly, "Yagnaseni, I hope now you have considered me as your husband but if you need time, I can go out of your chamber." Draupadi had thought how would she live along with five husbands, but hearing voice of Yudhisthir she started feeling assured that Yudhisthir was kind and would take care of her. "I have considered you and your brothers as my husbands. From that day when we wedded, I have made one promise to Sri Narayan that I would be loyal to all of you. I will forever be devoted to you Arya." "You said Arya?", he asked lovingly. "Yes I called you my Arya. Arya means "noble one" and I will call you and your brothers as Arya only", she said mischievously. Yudhisthir loved her womanly talk.

"You liked Hastinapur?" he asked her while caressing her hair decorated with mogra flowers and perfumes. "Yes Arya, your kingdom is truly beautiful and its residents are truly nice. I loved talking to Mata Gandhari who is quite kind", she replied to him. "Yes Draupadi, Mata Gandhari is nice, but not her sons Duryodhan and his brothers. They have plotted and tried to trick us many times in our past. But with blessings of Lord Mahadeva, we have managed to be safe all the time." Draupadi knew very well how Kauravas plotted against Pandavas and sent them in the Lakshagriha. "You are truly kind to come back upon invitation of your uncle Oh Arya", she said and sighed. "Let us not think about this now" he suggested.

"You are truly beautiful and kind my dear Panchali

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"You are truly beautiful and kind my dear Panchali. I will try to forever keep you pleased and satisfied", Yudhisthir said to Draupadi, who was now blushing. "I will take care  of you and stay forever loyal to you Arya", she made one promise to her husband who was now holding her close to him. Draupadi gave him one hug and he held her in her arms. After talking for some time, both of them were sleeping soundly together. Draupadi directly woke up in morning and after sweetly calling Yudhisthir's name, she woke him up. He gave her one hug and then went for his duties. Draupadi truly loved her time with her first Arya. 

Yudhisthir went to his duty but he also was smiling due to his close and best time with his queen Draupadi.

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