Arjun and Yagnaseni.

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Draupadi happily lived in Panchal, pursuing what she felt. Her people, her brother Dhristadyumna and her parents were kind towards her and loved her for her virtues and values. One day, Parshati said to Drupad, "My Lord, I want to suggest you something." "Go on, tell me queen Prishati, what is your wish?" the king asked her. "Draupadi is now of marriageable age. She is one who has all virtues and beauty. We must think of wedding her with some warrior king or prince", his queen replied him. "You are correct dear Prishati. Our Draupadi must now be married", said Drupad, with some thoughtful expression on his face. "How do you plan to marry her Oh Panchalnaresh? Whom do you plan to marry with, our dear Draupadi?

 "How do you plan to marry her Oh Panchalnaresh? Whom do you plan to marry with, our dear Draupadi?

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He did not want to tell his queen but finally decided to tell her. "My beloved queen! I know I could not win with Pandavas, especially Arjun when there was war between me and Dronacharya. But I loved his skills. He is one great archer and perfect for our Draupadi. But I'm upset because there are rumours in town that the 5 Pandavas have perished in one mysterious fire in Varnavat. I plan to keep one swayamwara for Draupadi. Let her marry some one else who is quite worth her wit and beauty. And if destiny wishes, God will protect Arjun and he will marry my Yagnaseni." Queen Prishati smiled. "Yes your correct Lord. Arjun was only perfect for our Yagnaseni. But who can challenge destiny and its plays? If rumours are true, then your wish will be unfulfilled. If God wishes, then warrior Arjun will reach here some how if he is alive and well. Do not worry my Lord. We must tell Draupadi that we will keep one swayamwara for her. I will show her portraits of kings and princes of Aryavarta, for her to know about princes and kings of Aryavarta."

But the king had some thing else in his mind. "Draupadi will not have to garland any king that day. I would give my child only to that king, who will prove his mettle. I have one plan which may work out if god wills. I will keep one archery contest in her swayamwara and one who wins, will win Draupadi as well. If our penance and prayers to God are true, then let Arjun come in her swayamwara and win her. That is my only wish." Prishati agreed. Prishati met Draupadi in the evening in her chamber to inform about her marriage.

"My dear Draupadi! Your father, the king has decided to marry you as you are now of marriageable age. We want to fulfill our duty towards you. He wants to keep one swayamwara for you. May you get the best husband who will forever love you. However you will not Garland some king of your choice. There will be one archery contest on the day of swayamwara and the one who wins, will win you" said Prishati.

Draupadi was surprised. She had not expected that Prishati would talk about her marriage. She did not like this decision of her parents to keep one archery contest in her swayamwar. Was she one prize to be won? She must get the priviledge of selecting her own husband. She had wish to go against her parents but could not think of speaking rude to them. She would never try to say any thing which would hurt her parents or any one. She decided to keep quiet and moved her head infront of Prishati showing her readiness.

Prishati happily informed about Draupadi's readiness for swayamwara to Drupad, who further had this told to all his ministers and messengers who told about this to the citizens. Invitation cards were sent to different kingdoms and sweetmeats were given among royal people. Panchal was pleased to know about the swayamwara of their princess, but Draupadi herself was sad. What if some rude or cruel man won her in swayamwara? What would be her future? Would she not marry the one she would want to wed?

She had questions, but no answers to them. What path would destiny want for her life with her marriage? She could only hope for best in her life. She was epitome of values, who was truly of her worth? She was goddess of heaven, will she be given respect as one?


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