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Tonight is 21st of Ramadan.

There’s a possibility tonight might be LAYLAT AL-QADR

The night is too short! What can we do to maximum the rewards?!

Yes-the nights are short in UK during this time of the year.

But instead of concentrating on the quantity, we should rather concentrate on the quality to reap the maximum rewards.

Here are few things we can do:

📿Straight after Śalāt al-Maghrib recite Sūrah al-Qadr 7 times.

70,000 angels will ask for your forgiveness until the break of dawn.

📿When leaving the house recite the following Du’ā (memorise this Du’ā and pray it throughout the year!)

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ بِحَقِّ السَّائِلِينَ عَلَيْكَ ، وَبِحَقِّ مَمْشَايَ ، فَإِنِّي لَمْ أَخْرُجْ أَشَرًا ، وَلا بَطَرًا ، وَلا رِيَاءً ، وَلا سُمْعَةً خَرَجْتُ اتِّقَاءَ سَخَطِكَ ، وَابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِكَ ، أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُنْقِذَنِيَ مِنَ النَّارِ ، وَأَنْ تَغْفِرَ لِي ذُنُوبِي ، إِنَّهُ لا يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلا أَنْتَ

Allāhumma innī asa'luka bi-haqqis-Sā'ilina 'alaika, wa as'aluka bi-haqqi mamshāya hādha, fa innī lam akhruj asharan wa lā batran, wa lā riyā'an, wa lā sum'atan, wa kharajtu-ttiqā'a sākhatika wabtighā'a mardātika, fa as'aluka an tunqidhani minan-nāri wa an taghfira lī dhunūbī, Innahu lā yaghfirudh-dhunūba illā anta.

Allāh will turn his face towards Him and 70,000 angels will ask for his forgiveness. (Sunan Ibn Mājah)

📿Use Siwāk/Miswāk before Wudū

The prayer before which the Miswak is used is seventy times more excellent than that before which it is not used.”

Ibn Abbas, ‘Ali and Ata (may Allah be pleased with them all) state that,

“But it increases to 99 or 400 times.”

📿Pray Śalāh with Imāmah (turban)

Prayer (Şalāh) with turban is equal to ten thousand (10,000) rewards.

Two cycles (Rak’at) of prayer with turban is better than seventy prayers without a turban.

📿Keep praying Súrah Ikhlās between the tarāwīh prayers and whenever you’re free.

Reading it once is equal to 1/3 of Qur’ān

Whoever recites it 10 TIMES, Allāh will build for him a house in Paradise.” (al-Jāmi’’ al-Saghīr).

📿 Providing food for breaking of the fast:

You’ll receive the same reward of the fasting person. So if you were to provide food to many, you get rewards of fasting equivalent to that many people!

📿Serve and look at your parents with love

Reward of 1 Hajj for every glance (Shu’ab al-Imān)

📿 Try aiming to read Salawat/Durud 10,000 times. (Imām Qanduzi)

📿 Donate some money in way of Allāh.

There’re many more things we can do. Make Du’ā for me too

 Make Du’ā for me too

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