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A very wealthy person died of the Covid 19. He died alone in hospital at a high age. But what was most notable .. Was some  words of his daughter's statement. Listen carefully to this.. We are a very wealthy family and my father passed away alone.. Suffocating.. Looking for something free..which is air.. The money stayed at home.. Yes.. the money stayed at home.. The bottom line is.. that for witch we struggle through out our life.. Cost us so much time and energy and trouble. In a word.. MONEY.. really won't able to help us.. When we need help the most.. Similarly what gives life meaning which is free like air and without which air is really meaningless.. Namely SELF-REALIZATION.. May pass us by..

Unless we give it quility time and attention.. Remember when we pass away and our soul is empty.. Then we will realise that everything we did on this earth was meaningless. And our soul was not prepared. Because we did not feed our soul with ALLAH.

Then it is to late to try and change things. REMEMBER!! WE only realise when our soul leaves the body!! So while we still on this earth and we still have a chance.. Let's make the most of it..

1. ALLAH should be our Foundation..
2. With ALLAH (our Foundation) we can Accomplish everything
3. No matter how we were raised... we can all Change.
4. With ALLAH we can be strong and make he right decisions.
5. With ALLAH we can live a healthy balanced Life.
6. With ALLAH we will have faith and trust (Does the birds/animals/ insects and all creatures on this earth ever worry where there next meal will come from?

NO!!  WHY??
Because they have faith in ALLAH.
So we must put all our faith and trust in ALLAH !!
Everything ALLAH created is good but everything that is not created by ALLAH .. is not good.
Only with ALLAH we can be safe!!



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