Importance of Time in Islam | From Quran and Sunnah

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Importance of Time in Islam | From Quran and Sunnah

We all are familiar with the most famous proverbs “Time is money” and “Time is Gold”. Time has great importance in the life of human being. Humanity has always been anxious with time, the passage of time, the measurement of time, and the scientific qualities of time. Time is a blessing on all of us. We should concentrate on how we use time according to Islamic perspective. Allah Almighty has clearly stated the value of time in Quran. We should make the use of time wisely to increase our faith in this life and the hereafter too.

Our beloved Prophet (SAW) said about time in Hadith:
“There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good” (Bukhari).

From this saying, we can conclude that we should utilize our time for doing good deeds for the sake of Almighty Allah’s pleasure. We order our lives around time, in Islam lives are structured around the daily prayers.  We should offer prayers on time which are obligatory on every Muslim. In Islam believers are encouraged to be certain of time, to know its importance and to organize it intelligently. 

If human beings do not waste or abuse time, but rather think of it as a blessing from Lord then they have every reason to hope for success both in this life and in the hereafter.

¶ Importance of Time in Quran

Allah Almighty has mentioned everything in Quran which is the source of Guidance for us. Similarly, Allah has stated the importance of time in Holy Quran that we will discuss below:

Indeed, we displease Allah the Most High when we misuse time. We must remember that time must be spent to fulfill our very purpose in life that is to worship Allah during our lives. Allah makes the importance of time very clear in the Quran when He says:  “I have only created Jinns and Men that they may serve Me. No Sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they should feed Me. For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance, Lord of Power, Steadfast forever).” (Quran, 51:56-58). From this verse we can say that we should use our time to worship Allah instead of doing some other useless things.

For every true believer knows that life on earth is temporary and its eternal accomplishment lies in terms of pleasing Allah (SWT) and living its life according to His Commandments.

The Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran in Chapter Al-Asr about the importance of time: “By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.” (Quran, 103: 1-3).

The Ayahs explain the worth of time in life of a Muslim. The Creator of the world of the worlds declares time as a great measure of one's success or failure. The Exalted One says that with every advancing moment of existence, human has a great warning that is associated with it.

 The Exalted One says that with every advancing moment of existence, human has a great warning that is associated with it

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