Dear brother/sister

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Dear brother/sister,


Look to the years that passed away of your life-span and see how rapidly they have gone with their happiness, sorrow, sweetness and bitterness, but reckoning is yet to come.

A poet said: “O you who love the pleasures of this world, don’t feel happy for that, because life is so rapidly changing and that is obvious to all people. How many a man who drank honey that caused his death, and how many a man who guarded himself with a sword then killed with it.”

“Beware of the life of this world because its magic is more effective than that of Harut and Marut. The two latter’s separate a man from his wife whereas the life of this world separates a man from his Rabb.”

A poet said: “Life surrenders to the one who seeks it, but the clever one who renounces its pleasures feels more comforts.  Every king who possessed and enjoyed its splendour went out of it with a shroud only. Such persons collect wealth then leave it behind which is a trial in both cases.”

Abu Darda’, said: “Everyone has an imperfection of knowledge and wisdom, if his wealth increases, he becomes so happy though day and night are working hard on destroying his life-span. So what is good of a wealth that increases and a life-span that decreases.”

Many people become so depressed and distressed when they miss any of the worldly pleasures, but very few feel the same about their life-time that passes away rapidly.

Al-Hasan said: “The one whose wealth increases, his sins increase likewise, and who talks much, lies much, and the ill-tempered man torments himself.”

Wahb Ibn Manbah said: “The similitude of the life of this world and the Hereafter is that of two co-wives (of polygamy) whenever you please one, you anger the other.”

Strive hard for the hereafter by obeying Allah your Creator, who created you and everything that exists. We seek His Omnipotent Mercy.  Aameen



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