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67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Ma'arij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzamil
74. Al-Muddathir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Al-Insan
77. Al-Mursalat


The final two ajzaa (pl. Juz) of the Qur’an contain 11 and 36 chapters respectively. These chapters are generally shorter than those in the previous ajzaa and were predominantly revealed during the Prophet (SALALLAHU ALAYHI WASALLAM'S) time in Makkah. This was a time that Islam (for the pagan Arabs) was a strange message of submission to an unseen God – a threat to the city’s future and prosperity. It is therefore of little surprise that the chapters in this Juz focus on spirituality and aim to strengthen the belief of the oppressed community in ALLAH. They provide warnings of the Hellfire and the Day of Judgement and show how pride is one of the greatest sins. About the opening chapter, al-Mulk (Sovereignty), ALLAH'S Messenger said it will “intercede for its companion (i.e. the one who recites it) until he is forgiven.”


• Some aspects of this great creation and warnings of the Hellfire for those who disbelieve;

• ALLAH commends the Prophet for his lofty qualities

• The terrors of the Last Day and the giving of the records;

• Some of the qualities of the righteous;

• Worship coupled with patience allows a person to bear even the most difficult trials;

• About the Last Day, the events that precede it and those that follow it. What have you prepared for it?

• About the resurrection and recompense – ALLAH repeats ten times the refrain “Woe on that Day to the deniers,” so beware of ever denying the truth!

Just Ponder we have most probably already read the LAST Maghrib and LAST Esha for Ramadan this year... Only, Fajr, Zohr and Asr left of this Mubarak Month, let's make a sincere effort to add the last Tahajjud for this month to the list and make an effort to sincerely ask ALLAH to accept all our Ibaadat, to forgive our sins and Most importantly for HIM to make it easy for us to continue with the good habits and Deeds which we have adopted in Ramadan, May ALLAH accept and May HE make it easy for One And All Aameen

 Only, Fajr, Zohr and Asr left of this Mubarak Month, let's make a sincere effort to add the last Tahajjud for this month to the list and make an effort to sincerely ask ALLAH to accept all our Ibaadat, to forgive our sins and Most importantly for...

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