To ensure you wake up for fajr

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I wanted to share with you a few practical steps in terms of trying to ensure you wake up for Fajr, which I found really useful and which are a bit different from many I came across. They are of three types: physical, mental, and spiritual. And they are our homework!

1. Simplify your bedding.

2. Drink ample water so you are forced to wake up to use the bathroom.

3. Set multiple alarms (especially the alarm phone app which asks you to solve a sum in order to switch off!)

4. Really set priorities by not finishing off certain works at night

1. Before bed, visualize yourself rising, washing, and praying.

2. Tell your mind with determination before sleeping that there’s an important appointment at Fajr which you must attend (with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala)

3. Warn your mind beforehand that your body will be tempted to close its eyes when the alarm rings (for “just a few more minutes”) and not to give in to it.

4. Never give up and feel hopeless; if you didn’t wake up today, you will tomorrow insha’Allah!

1. Fill your heart with love for your Creator and the desire to please Him for all He has given to you– fill your heart with the importance and love for praying Fajr and the fear of missing it.

2. Beg Allah the Almighty before bed for the ability to wake up the following morning.

3. Feel really regretful and sad if you miss it (but never despair!) and make it up immediately.

4. Strive to avoid other major sins in your daily life and repent from them to try to gain divine assistance (tawfiq).
Don’t give up. You are created for a reason! You can be something special to Allah ‘azza wajal if you take the steps towards Him. If you haven’t woken up for your Fajr prayer for years, set ten alarms today. Make sincere dua before you sleep— plead with Him to let you pray. You won’t be disappointed.

May Allah ‘azza wajal make us among those who rise and pray Fajr easily and consistently, out of submission and gratitude, Aameen.

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