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All the Christian's Evangelist are used to quoting John 3:16 to prove that Jesus is the only son of God. But they are wrong when they read and reason over the following 'Sons of God' in the Bible:

1). Luke 3:38: Adam is son of God.

2). Jeremiah 31:9: Ephraim was the first son of God.

3). Exodus 4:22: Israel is the first son of God ( as
purportedly spoken by God)

4). Job 2:1: the angels are sons of God ( see also Genesis 6:2-3, job 1:6)

5). Job 38:4-7 God has many sons

6). I chronicles 22:9-10: Solomon is son of God

7). Deuteronomy 14:1: the Jews are sons of God

8). ll Corinthians 6:18: God has sons and daughters

9). Hebrew 7:1-3: Melchizedek is a son of God

10). Hosea 1:10 the Jews are called the sons of God

11). Psalm 2:7: David is the begotten son of God ( see psalm 89:26-27)

Therefore, if there are other sons of God other than Jesus in both the old and new testaments of the Bible,

How then does Jesus became the only son of God?
Was his creation greater than the creations of Adam, Eve, Melchizedek and Angeles?

I Wonder why the Christians are always bragging about Jesus' ' son ship to God'! He was not even the only one that performed miracles among the Prophets of God.

For example, Elijah raised the dead ( l king 17:21-23), Elijah also raised dead ( ll king 4:32-35 and ll king 13:20-21) Ezekiel raised the dead ( Ezekiel 37:1-17), Moses change his rod into a Python ( Exodus 4::1-5, Enoch ascended to heaven ( Genesis 5:24 and Hebrews 11:24.

So, how then can he be unique son of God?
Did God adopt him as His son or did He eternal beget him as His son? 

Allah ( S.A.W) says in the glorious Qur'an 18:4. And that it may warn those who say, ‘Allah has begotten a son.’ 18:5.

(This is absolutely wrong.) They have no real knowledge of Him, nor (had) their fathers. Grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths. They speak naught but a lie.

 They speak naught but a lie

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