The Princess & The Construction Worker

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🍀بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم🍀
ﷺ ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ♥̸̨͡🍃ﷺ


The Princess & The Construction

Once upon a time there was a new big grand Musjid being built…

At that Musjid, there was a young man who was working in it's construction.

At the completion of the Musjid, the Sultan who ordered its building commanded all the workers to leave.

Aиϑ the reason is, because his daughter, the Princess, had asked him a special request to be the first one to go into that Musjid & pray two rakaats in the musalla, with no one else there.

The construction workers leave but there was this one construction worker that was falling behind.

He was late & he didn’t realize that everyone else had left, & they had allowed the plPrincess into the Musjid to go pray.

So as he’s leaving, he catches a glimpse of the Princess inside the musalla of the Musjid praying two rakaats of nafl salaah.

Aиϑ the scene was just so incredible to him.

It was such an amazing, beautiful scene that became imprinted in his mind, & he basically just fell in love with the Princess.

But then it became more than that.

He became infatuated with her.

So when he came home, he told his Mother what had happened, & he said; "You have to go to the Sultan & ask for the Princess’s hand in marriage.

His Mother replied; "I can’t do that, you’re a construction worker, & the Sultan is not going to have his daughter marry you"

But this construction worker became infatuated & crazed; he couldn’t work, he couldn’t think, eat, sleep …

He was just in a miserable state…

Aиϑ the mother out of fearing for her son & his well-being, she realizes if she does not do something he may die, because he is refusing food & water.

So she goes to the Palace & she asks to speak to the Sultan, but the guards turn her away.

Aиϑ she insists saying
"My son is going to die.
I have to talk to the Sultan.”

So finally, the guard let's her into the Palace & she is able to talk to the Sultan.

She mentions the story to the Sultan, & the Sultan being kind & wise, asks that she comes back with her son.

So they come back together, & the Sultan tells the construction worker; "After every one leaves the Musjid at night time, after the Ishaa prayer, you have to come & pray qiyaam in this Musjid for forty nights.
If you do this for forty nights straight, I will allow you to marry my daughter."

The Sultan then continued;
"There will be someone there to make sure that you come, & if you miss a day we will know about it.
If you continue praying Qiyaam-ul-layl for forty days, if you fulfill your end of the bargain, I will consider you for my daughter for marriage."

So the construction worker is excited.

This is a chance of lifetime…

He goes the first night, & he prays qiyaam in the Musjid, after everyone leaves.

Aиϑ he goes the second day, & the third …

Aиϑ after a few weeks, he notices he is getting better …he's eating again..he cares about life again & eventually he starts to really really enjoy coming to the Musjid & praying qiyaamul layl after everyone has left. He begins to love it so much that he prays to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala that Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala never takes away these beautiful moments he has with Him praying in solitude .

So 40 days passed...50 days passed...60 days passed..70 days passed & the Sultan calls to see the construction worker.

He says to the construction worker, "How come you didn't come see me? You fulfilled your end of the bargain, you fulfilled all forty nights, we saw you pray yet you didn't come see me after the fortieth night. How come?"

The construction worker turns to the Sultan & says;
Before I saw your daughter my heart was empty & the first thing of beauty that my heart was exposed to was your daughter & that's why I grabbed onto that image/experience. But after I started praying qiyamul layl in the Musjid for forty nights, my heart experienced a beauty that was much more than her. My heart witnessed a beauty that was never felt before."
Aиϑ he goes on to tell the Sultan;
"Thank you for offering me your daughter but I am happy where I am & in no need of her."

Aиϑ he goes on in his way
Aиϑ he doesn't marry the princess because he has found a love, beauty & happiness that was much, much greater than just seeing the princess that one time.

This is the love of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, this is the beauty of a close relationship with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. This is something that only the one who has experienced it can only talk about it. Aиϑ even if they talk about it, they can never do justice & truly explain.

True happiness can only be attained when we love Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala above ourself & when we love Rasulullah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam above ourself.
If we want to experience this amazing happiness, we have to work on truly loving Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala & His most beloved sallallaahu alayhi wasallam. Daily, minute by minute we have to grow our love for Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala & we have to grow our love for His Rasool sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.

But to really experience this type of sweetness & happiness is a path of love. Aиϑ you cant get on this path of love without hard work.
In the story of the construction worker , it didn't happen overnight. Remember the wise Sultan told him to pray for 40 have to do it consistently for a certain amount of time. It has to become a habit, it has to become part of your life. Aиϑ when that happens, automatically that bad habit or longing for that material attachment disappears as love for everything & anything pales in comparison to the love for Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala.

Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says in the Qur'an that He does not change our condition until we change what is inside ourselves.
When we are looking at all the different challenges whether they are political, social, economic, intellectual, whether they with our families, our communities .they are so many different levels of challenges.
But it brings peace to our heart knowing that our way out is something doable for each & everyone . It is the same solution to every problem that is being faced.
We don't need to wait for a knight/prince in shining armour to take us out of our challenges & problems but all that is required is for me to turn my heart & focus it back to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala . It's me that has to consistently make the effort

If each one of us commit to do that, then in sha Allah phenomenal change will come about.

Story: Sister Muslema Purmul

Story: Sister Muslema Purmul 🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃🌹🍃🌹

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