Farewell Ramadhan

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As we say farewell to this Auspicious month of RAMADHAAN,may ALLAH ﷻ let us witness many many more years ahead to come إن شاء الله

آمـــــــــــــين يا رب العالمــــــــــين

A clear manifestation of Allah's mercy is that He continues to feed us with the best of food despite our sins.

Our own sins are our worst enemy;
and our good actions are our best friends.

Following the footsteps of NABI ﷺ  we will reach Jannah;
and we will get Allah on the path of NABI ﷺ  i.e. Sunnah.

Bribery is in many forms
When we give gifts or do favours expecting something in return, that's a bribe.

Today, one great problem is that we don't have conviction (yaqeen) in Allah Ta'ala or in the words of NABI ﷺ

Our Imaan (Belief) is not based on logic or rationality or common sense - our Imaan is based on the order of Allah

A person who distances himself from Allah Ta'ala will definitely come closer to Shaytaan.

Allah Ta'ala declared Shaytaan as our open enemy, but how many of us really believe this to be true and take all the necessary precautions against Shaytaan.

May ALLAH ﷻ give us the understanding of what we read and practice upon it آمــــــــــين

May ALLAH ﷻ give us the understanding of what we read and practice upon it آمــــــــــين

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