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Once again, Ramadaan, the month in which ALLAAH سبحانه وتعالى blessed upon us so many of HIS favours has come and gone so quickly…

Alhamdulillaah, for many of us, it was a time of self-reflection, to better ourselves spiritually and engage in various acts of worship to gain the pleasure of ALLAAH سبحانه وتعالى. But what happens now that we’ve just entered into Shawwaal? Do we keep firm to this character we developed or slowly go back to our original state before Ramadaan?

Whatever acts of worship we took up in Ramadaan, be it fasting, spending the nights in prayer and just generally doing good deeds, we must try to keep up this compliance and continue to be as obedient to ALLAAH سبحانه وتعالى as we were in Ramadaan.

In fact, remaining steadfast proves to us that we have gained something beneficial from the holy month and that we didn’t just fast or spent greater time in worship for the sake of it being Ramadaan. We should treat Ramadaan, not as a one-off, but a starting point to do good deeds, improve our spiritual awareness and come closer to ALLAAH سبحانه وتعالى for the year ahead of us and until the time of death.

ALLAAH says:
(وَٱعۡبُدۡ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ یَأۡتِیَكَ ٱلۡیَقِینُ)
“And worship your LORD until the certainty (death) comes to you.” [15:99]

But many of us wonder how we can keep the spirit of Ramadaan going? In Ramadaan, it seems to naturally fall in place, with us fasting in daylight hours, observing night prayers, giving zakaah, and reciting the holy Qur’aan, while pondering over its meaning…

…However, ALLAAH سبحانه وتعالى is so bountiful, that HE gives us the opportunity to do each and every ones of these acts throughout the year, just to name a few:

• We can still keep voluntary fasts (6 fasts of Shawwaal to begin with, already at our doorsteps)

• We can continue to perform night prayers (Qiyaam layl)

• We can give Sadaqa and feed the poor and the needy all year round

• And of course, we can read the holy Qur’aan anywhere and at any time.

We ask ALLAAH to grant us the understanding, accept our good deeds and keep us steadfast on HIS straight path. آمِيْن


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