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Beautiful Reminders - Treasures From The Gardens Of Ishq

حضرت مولانا عارف دامت بركاتهم
One woman was crying in the court of Allaah, whose children never used to stay alive...

There are some people like that, the children don't live..
There is something which is wrong..

Every child that would be born, it would pass away after six months,
Some sickness would come and the child would pass away..

In this way this helpless mother, her twenty children, one after the other reached the Qabrastaan..

This is a true story, not a parable.
It is an incident which actually happened..

Twenty children passed away, one after another in the same way!

You can imagine what she was going through..
What a calamity, what a Museebat, what must be going through in her heart...

One after the other they all went into the Qabr, and the flame of the sadness and grief which she was experiencing started to rise up in her heart...

So one night she just got up in the middle of the night and she went into Sajdah in front of Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aala and she cried profusely...
She cried a lot...

In the Du'aas she presented literally all her sadness and the blood of her heart...
Whatever she was feeling, she made Du'aa to Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aala..
She turned to Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aala..

After that she fell asleep..
She got a dream, and in the dream she saw that she's walking in Jannat..

In Jannat she saw a very very big and a very posh palace and her name was written on the palace...

Seeing the Gardens of Jannat and the Nur all around, she became very happy in the dream, she forgot everything...

In the dream, the Angels told her that, 'O woman! what you see, the No’mats which you see which Allaah is granting you is something which a person can only attain through very great Ibaadat and a lot of effort...

You have to make a lot of Mujaahada to reach this level and to be granted such a palace in Jannat...
You just can't get it like that, but you are being given..

But because you were lazy in this world, as far as Ibaadat is concerned and lazy in making Amal,  you were not able to reach this level through your Ibaadat...
Your Ibaadat was too less and that is why Allaah has given you this Museebat, calamity and difficulty in this Dunyaa.
In return for making sabr on it, you have been given these Gardens!
You have been given this palace in Jannat..

Then the woman  saw all her children who had passed away in that Garden of Jannat...

And she said, Yaa Allaah, these children had become hidden from my gaze. I could not see them anymore because they weren't alive anymore as they had all passed away..
But Yaa Allaah, these children never ever disappeared from Your sight, from your Gaze, they are all present here ...O My Rabb...O My Rabb...

Then she said, If in the world you are going to keep me in this state which I am in, for hundreds of years, in the same state which I presently am in, I will neither get any sadness nor grief..

Even more than that, You let my blood flow also, even then also I am happy because all of these In'amaat, gifts, these Ni'mats that you are giving me, they are much much more than the Sabr that I am making...'

So, what do we get to learn from this story..?

Each and everyone of us go through certain difficulties in our life....
Everyone of us go through difficult times in our life..
This is part and parcel of this Dunyaawi life..
You cannot avoid it...

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