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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

ALLAH has commanded us to adhere firmly to His religion, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “Hold firmly to that which ALLAH has given you” [al-Baqarah 2:63]. Religion is a serious matter that distinguishes truth from falsehood, it is not a thing for amusement [Quran 86:13].

Many people do not take the matters of their religion seriously, and they offer feeble excuses. This is one of the signs of the Munaafiquun (hypocrites), who take their religion for mockery and fun [Quran 5:57], and when they are rebuked or advice is offered to them, they come up with excuses which in fact are worse than the sin for which they are offering these excuses.

Often we hear strange responses from people when we seek to offer advice or confront them about their evil actions and sins. For example: Why do you not give up this sin? They say;
- These are difficult times, and everyone is like this. I have not been guided yet.
You ask;
The joke you told is a serious matter, and it is making a mockery of Islam. They say;
- My intention is sound, and I only meant to have some fun.
You ask; How can you work in this haraam job? They say;
- I can’t find any other job. Do you want me to die of starvation?
You ask;
How could you shake hands with a woman who is a stranger to you (non-mahram) whilst the Prophet warned us against us? They say; My heart is pure, subhaanallah, is your heart purer than the Prophet?. You ask;
Why do you not wake your child up to pray Fajr? They say;  Poor kid, he didn’t get enough sleep and he has to go to school. She is still young. When she reaches the age of puberty we will tell her to wear hijaab and pray.
You ask;
Why do you shave off your beard, my brother? They say, Because it doesn't look nice, I can't grow a full beard. Etc.

Thus people come up with excuses one after another, for major and minor sins alike, in a failed attempt to avoid feeling guilty and avoid the advice of sincere people. Let's fear death and strive to obey the commands of ALLAH.

May ALLAH protect us and our offspring from such behaviour. Aameen.

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