Ch. 26 - Healing

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Chapter 26 - Healing

Within the hallway that leads to several paths, Izuku kept walking while staring at his raised hand.

Thinking about that speech a while ago, he hoped that the speech motivated his opponent Hitoshi Shinso and freed him from the past.

Smiling at his small accomplishment of saving someone, he raised his head to focus on where he's walking.


"Izuku. Midoriya." The sudden call stopped him and turns around, but saw no one. That voice was somehow scary but chill at the same time.

Looking back to where he's heading, he was greeted with silhouettes. Gazing upon them is something that Izuku can't turn away. He felt that if he turns away, they'll disappear.

There's something about those silhouettes. Their eyes are fierce and calm. There are eight of them, staring at the hero nerd. It was like 'Don't Blink Challenge', but it's not a challenge.

Then, Izuku felt the large adrenaline coursing through his body. He felt his power rising each second he stares at the silhouettes.

"(Big bro!)" The sudden voice of Shadow causes Izuku to blink and lose focus. The second he blinks, he was staring at a hallway.

"(What happen there?)"

"(Ah. I-uh... Don't know.)" The boy answered truthfully as he scratches the back of his head, feeling confused than ever.

"(Care to explain why you stopped walking?)" Shadow asked with worry.

"(I was... looking at silhouettes. Eight of them.)"


"(I...)" He paused as he raised his right hand and glances at it. "(Staring at them, I feel like powering up.)"

"(Really?)" Shadow questioned with a shocked tone.

"(Yes.)" Then the hero nerd changed the topic. "(Anyways, we can worry about that later.)"

Proceeding to walk back to his classmates, Izuku was confused at Shadow and the silhouettes.

For those eight figures, who are they? Why are they staring at him? And... why can't Shadow sees what he sees? Is it because Shadow's a Quirk?

That's gotta be it, right?



==Time Skip==

"Ah! Deku-kun!" In the crowd, Izuku was walking where his classmates are until he heard a familiar voice. Looking where the source is, he found his classmates, and the one who shouted his name is Ochako Uraraka.

"Good work." Amelia complimented as Ochako and Tsuyu agreed.

"We saved a seat for you." Tenya pointed the chair in between Ochako and Amelia where Izuku will sit after his battle.

"Thanks." Izuku smiled before he caught Fumikage Tokoyami and Mashirao Ojiro looking at him with a smile on their face.

The smile on the greenette boy's face grew bigger before he went to the reserved seat. After sitting, and right on time, the torches on the area lit up as Present Mic exclaimed, "Thanks for the wait."

"Match number two is these guys!" He pointed to the combatants who are already standing at the arena.

"Oh, by the way, this is a match between two identical Quirks! First off, the Manly and Passionate Steel! From the Hero Course, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!"

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