Ch. 22 - First Round: Obstacle Course

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Chapter 22 – First Round: Obstacle Course

"(Hey uhh, Bro.)" Hesitated, Shadow calls Izuku.

"(Yeah?)" Izuku responded with a questionable look.

"(I just wanna let you know that you can shoot out webs from your wrist.)" The living Quirk said, blurting out the missing information.

Blinking for a few times, the green-haired boy finished processing from what he heard.

"(So, I'm the best Spider-Man actor of all time?)" Izuku thought loudly with excitement.

"(You can say that again. The real Tobey Maguire- no, scratch that. You're the next Tobey Maguire.)" Shadow rephrased correctly.

A large smile cracked the boy's face. He watched Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies when he was a kid. Needless to say, Tobey Maguire is his favorite actor.

I mean sure, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland are okay actors, but no one can beat the original Spider-Man movies.

Thinking about it makes Izuku so excited.


"Ah!" Izuku jumped in surprise before turning around to see Tsuyu looking at him.

"You're happy. Are you really that excited?" Putting a finger on her chin, Tsuyu's head tilted in curiosity.

"Eh? Ah, um," Izuku stammered for a moment before sighing. "No, I'm nervous." He admitted with an honest tone.

"I see. To make you at ease, I'm nervous as well, kero." Tsuyu replied in a tone that reassures the boy that he's not the only one that's currently shaking in fear. Scared that they won't perform well in everyone's eyes.

He never said a word after hearing that, only smiling before looking back at Midnight.

"Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the fateful first game! " Then a large holograph screen appeared behind her as she stepped aside to let every first-year students see it.

What it seems to be a slot machine being rolled so fast, Midnight declared, "The first round will be... This!" The roulette stopped and there it is, the first game that determines the fate of the first year.

"(Obstacle course.)" Izuku thought, repeating the words that are on the screen. Midnight turned around to stare at the screen explaining, "All eleven classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium, about four kilometers!"


"Our school's selling point is freedom!" She said before licking her lips, signifying her sadistic mode has been activated.

"As long as you stay in course, it doesn't matter what you do!" The crowds cheered again.

"Now, everyone! Go to your places there!" She pointed at the starting with a racing light constructed above. They all move before the starting line while others, including Izuku, moved back.

In front is too crowded. It seems they're eager to get a head start no matter what.

The green-haired boy stared while calming himself down.


They heard the sound. Three green lights are on.

"(I regret not going to the front or else- Wait, this is better.)" Izuku thought, realizing something on his head. "(Thanks to the Ice Quirk by Todoroki-kun back at the U.S.J Incident, he'll start by freezing everyone behind him.)" Theorizing the situation later, another ding was produced.

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