Ch. 12 - The Conflict inside U.S.J

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Chapter 12 - The Conflict inside U.S.J

Izuku, the vigilante Shadow, kept on running until he found a large lake with a ship sailing in the middle.

On it, there's a frog-like girl and a diaper boy while many villains surround them by staying on the surface of the lake. Before he even gets to where Izuku is right now, he fought ten villains with Quirks that have Strength Enhance, Four Arms, and much more.

It was a difficult task for him since the villains know who he is, but does not know the face under the handkerchief and hood that covers him. He slowly walked towards the coast where the land meets the lake, thinking of how can he go there without the effort to defeat those villains that are on the surface of the water.

Then, an idea came to him as he thought, "(Hey.)"

"(Who? Wha-Me?)" A voice can be heard inside Izuku's head and yes, the voice is a male that has a little bit distorted tone, but during the vigilante month or two, Izuku had managed to talk with the voice inside his mind, and somehow a blooming friendship began to rise within themselves.

Sure, it was a rocky start, but ever since then, they would always chat about random things that came to their mind, making Izuku be a little social since he is not alone. He had Yuran and Mittens, so with new companions, it's not bad after all.

Izuku already had a feeling that the voice inside him is just like him.

"(Yeah. Still don't know how to call you now, but any ideas to save those two?)" Izuku said internally as the voice answered, "(Okay, first, you can call me whatever you want, or maybe Shadow if you want.)"

The voice, or Shadow, is filled with sarcasm tone that caused Izuku to roll his eyes and shook his head. "(Very funny, sarcastic guy. Very funny.)" Izuku can hear a chuckle inside as the voice said, "(Just wanna pull your spirits up, that's all since, you know, you really hate people who look down on others because they're Quirkless?)"

Hearing that statement made Izuku rolled his eyes again and sighed before he said, "(Can't complain with that one. Wait, why are we talking about my life?)"

"(I don't know. Maybe because you started it?)" The green-haired boy shook his head before he asked, "(Any ideas?)"

"(Try to run as fast as you can.)" That was all the voice said, confusing Izuku by raising one of his eyebrows before he walked backward for a running start... and started running to the lake. The moment he run on the water, he couldn't believe his eyes. He was running on water.

If you think that he is a Japanese Jesus, then yes.

His amazement was interrupted when multiple small, yet sharp weapons are coming towards him.

Not really at him, but they threw the weapons at the direction ahead of Izuku. With an always support of Spider-Sense, Izuku dodged those incoming attacks at once by jumping higher.

Then, his Spider-Sense is still there as Izuku predicts something's coming towards him and it's not good. He turned to his right and saw incoming beams of water that are about to hurt him. Those are not ordinary water, it's scald or some Quirk that can shoot out very hot water.

With that, Izuku maneuvered in the air, dodging those hot beams of water. Soon enough, he is almost on the boat and because of the forward motion with fast speed, he landed on the boat and rolled like a bowling ball, but it took a few spins before he stopped and was back on his feet again.

He saw multiple purple balls that were attached to the metal bars that either avoid any people to fall from the ship... or even prevent some villains to climb to the level of where they are on.

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