Ch. 10 - Daily Life of Izuku Midoriya

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Chapter 10 - Daily Life of Izuku Midoriya

Days turned into weeks and the latter turned into two months.

For Izuku, it felt like yesterday when he saved Melissa from her suicide attempt, but what's bothering him is that he didn't tell her that he had a Quirk, that is yet to be answered to himself. All he did is to jumped in time for her head to get cracked by the cemented floor.

Since he's in his room right now, sitting at the side of his bed, he went to the calendar year to see what date is today.

May 20. That's the day every people in the world are already in. It's been three months since the Entrance Examination at the U.A High School, and the start of another school year, which is March 06.

Only two months left until the first semester of the school year is going to end.

He looks at the wall clock and it's 3 PM.

Knowing that he has more time, Izuku prepared his clothes for training at the Dagobah Municipal Beach, to resume cleaning the illegal dumpsite.

A month ago, he stopped cleaning the beach, for his status as a vigilante and his missions in the night kept him away from doing it frequently. Even though he can train in the afternoon, but he knows that he needed to conserve energy for any night cases, like carnapping, kidnapping, robbery, anything that can happen since there is no safe place.

If you think that your home is a safe place, you're wrong. You'll never know when the robbery of your house going to happen. But that doesn't mean his training is over. Even though he's a free-agency-like student, a new hobby came to his life.

He went to a nearby library in a local street and decided to read some books that are somehow useful for him, like satisfying him at the time of his boredom.

Mostly historical or such that can help him gain knowledge if he ever became a high school student. There are times he read fictional books as well that caught his interest, spending more than just an hour to read fifty to a hundred or a hundred and fifty pages of a book.

Life is somehow peaceful for Izuku. Don't know why, but for the first time of his life, he felt free.

No bullies, no more interruption, no more pain, no more Katsuki Bakugo.

He was finally away from the grasps of the torture world. just like a dove that's soaring through the wind, without a care in the world.

Despite wanting to know what kind of Quirk he got, he just put it aside. No scratch that. It's more like 'forget it, let me enjoy this moment' kind of thing.

When he finished reading books, he began to leave the library room and just went home without either taking five or six laps around the Dagobah Municipal Beach. He just went home and cooked food for himself and his family, namely his pets, Yuran and Mittens.

While he was feeding, Izuku smiled unconsciously without noticing it.

A very rare one. It's full of emotions knowing that they, his pets, are being fed and treat well and had a healthy life rather than getting abandoned by their past owners.

Izuku almost felt like he was going to cry from happiness in front of them, but he kept it in, almost controlling his emotion with ease.

Those days happened last month. And now? He recalled or reminisce those days as he 'stargazing' the sunset that was about to set on the horizon.

Looking at the sun, Izuku took a deep breath and sigh, making some of the stiff muscles in his body relaxed.

"Another day, another life to begin with." He said, packing his things from cleaning the illegal garbage side that is a few feet beside him.

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