Ch. 32 - First Day of Internship

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Chapter 32 – First Day of Internship

"Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Miruko was laughing as she walked toward an elevator.

"That was some crappy Tarzan-like yell out there, kiddo!" She smirked while turning over her shoulder.

Izuku's tomato face is written all over. He was embarrassed, not finding protest, and instead kept his mouth shut.

"Not to mention, you got smacked to the wall like a fly!" She wheezed.

"(Hello, Darkness, my old friend.)" The boy thought, not minding her comments as he tried to get away from reality.

"(Come and claim my life right now.)"

"Well, jokes aside," The laughter ceased slowly. "I'll show you where you'll sleep for one week."

A ding rang as the elevator door opened.

Walking inside, Miruko pushed the button that leads them to the third floor.

Standing beside each other, Izuku glanced at her ears. It had some kind of magnetism that made him want to pet it but dared not to.

Then, he lowered his vision to the heroine's face. There is some sweat on her cheeks before trailing down to her neck.

Mirko's eyebrows twitched as he looked at Izuku, who was facing forward. Confused, she followed his gesture, but still felt that he was checking her.

The side of her mouth slightly raised.

Before she process what to think, the elevator bell rang and it opened.

Rumi went out and the hero nerd followed.

There were eight doors, four on each side.

She continued to walk until she stopped at the door to the right at the end of the hall.

"Here's your room." Rumi opened the door and lets her intern enter first.

Izuku checks the room. It was all tidy.

White walls, a single bed with a table and chair near it and a lamp. Simple, organized, and clean.

"Take your time to relax." The hero stated. "You have one hour before lunch break. And also, it's a hero's way to become independent. You have to do everything yourself. Alright, I'll see ya later."

She closed the door and Izuku was left inside his room for one week.

Setting his hero outfit bag and backpack on the table, he removes his shoes, socks, and jacket in order.

Chest slightly heaving, the boy sat on the bed. Just this morning, they stop five robberies, and it almost took the hell out of him.

Sounds like he's getting sluggish, and he hated that thought.

But, maybe it's okay for him to rest. Then again, in a harsh reality, he knew that there is no day off for heroes.

He applauds for that. Well, only to some, since he knew corrupted heroes are lurking around while wearing masks that convince the society they're good enough to save them from the villains.

And that is partially true.

Suddenly, he yawns. A lot of things happen, and right now he wanted to take a rest.

Which he did.

Reaching in his backpack, he pulls out his Po-Op phone and sets the alarm to 11:45 AM.

Only an hour left. That's more than enough.

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