Ch. 2 - Quirk and Responsibility

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Badass song for a badass anime series like Boku No Hero Academia. Listen to the song above and you'll hear the relevance between the song and Izuku Midoriya, the face of BNHA.

This chapter is also inspired from PhoenixNJ's book, Spider Deku: Unlimited. Feel free to vote, add, share and follow me in WattPad. Here's Chapter 2 of Symbol of Hope.


Chapter 2 - Quirk and Responsibility

July 15, that's Izuku Midoriya's birthday. But that was 2 months ago.

It's already September.

In Japan, classes start in April and end on December 25, which means it's around 200 to 250 days per year.

His life still hasn't changed from day one. Well, except for the day of his birthday. Every birthday, he showed emotions, not like how he interacts with people and Kacchan.

Because of those bullies, he isolated himself, showing an emotionless expression.

Despite being Quirkless, he became one of the students that have high honors, and one of those students includes Katsuki Bakugo.

Now, their teacher announced to them that they'll be having a field trip next 3 weeks, which makes everyone surprised and happy except two students. Izuku and Katsuki, who was showing his normal yet angry look. Only nodding for going to a field trip.

They'll have to wait for 3 weeks because their exam is next week. During this time, Izuku still trains his body, but mostly those hours he focused on the subjects that are involved in the examinations.

With no problems during his exam, Izuku finally paid the field trip fee from his auntie, Mitsuki Bakugo and they're going to visit one of the buildings that holds the experimentation about quirks. Known as the Quirk Research Lab.

==Time Skip==

"Welcome to the Quirk Research Lab. My name is Akita Asakura and I'll be your guide for your whole field trip." A woman in her mid-twenties said as every classmate of Izuku, except himself and Bakugo, fist-pumped and yelled 'Yay' as she leads them inside the lab.

Everything went fine except for one experimental being, that disappeared while they're on the tour to take a look around.

Izuku, holding his cell phone, took a picture from some different animals that were experimenting on, especially mice.

After that, he took out his Quirk Analysis notebook and wrote down about what he's seeing. Unknown to him...

A certain arthropod is slowly going down from the ceiling with her web. He didn't know that something bit him in the back of his neck. So focus on what he's doing that he didn't pay attention to something that touches him until it bit him.

"Ah!" Shouting in pain, he grabbed something on the back of his neck and throws it on the ground. He now knows that something that bites him in the back of his neck is a spider.

This causes him to make a pale look, because he knows that most spiders are almost venomous enough to kill a human in a few minutes.

He touches the spot where the spider bites him and for some reason it didn't sting. This causes him to get confused. He knows that every bite of a venomous spider stings. But in this case, it's not.

Symbol of Hope - (Izuku x Harem) | MHA Fan Fiction (NEW REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now