Ch. 33 - Let the Chaos Begin

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Chapter 33 – Let the Chaos Begin


He couldn't believe his eyes. He'd intern under a pro hero after everything that's happened in less than a week.

Unfortunately, even if he was labeled as a Rank A villain, many pro heroes decline their requests.

When he scrolls through social media, all of the topics are about himself and Izuku Midoriya.

Topics containing him having no redemption to become a hero, particularly for the abuse he inflicted on the boy whom he mistook for a pebble.

Then this one topic caused him to lose control.

He had no choice.

His past actions are coming back to haunt him, and he must pay the price.

Then he heard the program's director say that he will be interning under Best Jeanist.

He explained his reasoning.

==Flashback End==

Katsuki Bakugo stood there, his gaze fixed on the night sky.

Memories came and went, making him feel... uneasy. Extremely unpleasant.

After grabbing his phone and opening the Message App, he texted his parents.

When he saw the message that they were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked how he was.

After everything he's done to himself, it's a painful reality that most families would abandon, kick, or leave their children behind because of their actions that reflect poorly on them.

But here they are, still caring for him despite his bravado and arrogance.

He returned to the room where he was supposed to sleep, sharply inhaling.

He sat on the chair instead of going to bed. He began to sink into the train of memories, slouching.

And the majority of them are beating the hell out of his former childhood friend.

Izuku Midoriya.

He raised his arm and looked at his hand.

It was the same hand that invited him to stand.

An offer he should have taken back then.

His pride, however, blinds his heart. That was the end of it.

For the first time, a pained expression appeared on his face as he closed his palm in agony.

And tears began to form in his eyes.

"What... have I done?"

==Kamino, Yokohama==

The site of the mass slaughter eight years ago. They were able to rebuild the buildings in less than a year with the assistance of the pro heroes. Of course, some took turns, such as one group focusing on building repairs and the other on capturing villains, and vice versa the next day.

Despite this, one structure has remained unaltered since the massacre.

It's none other than the League of Villains' hideout.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri are looking at the person Kurogiri invited to their numbers, away from the prying gazes from both residents and pro heroes.

That would be none other than Stain, the Hero Killer.

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