Ch. 14 - Revealed

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Chapter 14 - Revealed

Everyone stood at their own place, with their mind still processing and eyes blinking for what they have seen and witnessed. The vigilante Shadow just defeated the Nomu, name given by the villain named Shigaraki.

Every students are out while the explosion boy, Katsuki Bakugo, was sent to the U.A High School's Emergency Room, where the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl is working as soon as the medical staffs and ambulances are there.

It took a few minutes for them to view the carnage of the invasion made by the villains and Shigaraki himself before Snipe slightly pulls his hat down and said, "My goodness."

"I can't believe we let them escape after they made a such a crowd puller of trespassing." It was the Rated-R Heroine: Midnight who said that while looking at Snipe.

Footsteps can be heard behind them, and it was the Blood Hero: Vlad King, with Principal Nezu on his right shoulder before the said hero put down the mouse, dog, whatever species Nezu is.

Then, Nezu spoke, "We really need to make a drastic development in the security system, don't we?"

"Yes." Snipe answered, followed by Midnight. "A warp Quirk is very rare... but of all people to have one, it's the villain's."

"Without a doubt, they completely caught us off guard. More importantly, we have to make sure that there might be villains hiding somewhere in this place and protect the students at all costs."

The way he said that is unconvincing. Unfazed is a better word. It was nothing to him, but it left him something to learn. Why? He is a pro hero, of course.

Hearing Nezu's response made Snipe and Midnight nodded before they advance forward to the scene. As for the heroine, she has her eyes on one person.

You guessed it. It's the vigilante Shadow, or Izuku Midoriya, who was lying down to the cemented ground with his totally wounded right arm. As of now, the hoodied green-haired boy is in a puddle of his own blood.

"(Such power...)" Midnight remembered that one last punch in her mind. And no, her concern overpowered her energy to be in the mood of being playful and flirtatious.

She was concerned for how the vigilante went overboard just to save the No. 1 Hero, All Might.

At the battle arena, All Might wiped the side of his mouth, because of the blood spilling out of his mouth. As of the state he is in, he was now skinny, no longer in buff form. He was staring at Izuku for quite a while before he internally said, "(You came to the world, starting to save the civilians in the night for a few months, and then you appeared out of nowhere.)"

"(And I'm really grateful for you.)" He added, indirectly thanking the unconscious vigilante, but he was not done yet. "(Hadn't been for you, I would've died at the last second if you didn't give me those seconds. Thank you.)"

A heartwarming smile was shown on All Might's face before it turned into a tired and wounded expression as he fell on one knee and coughed again before someone shouted his name, "All Might."

The called-out person looked behind him, and after he smiled, he said, "Thanks, Cementoss, for coming at my aid."

"I'm a fan of yours, All Might. But as a hero, I will always help my co-workers who are in danger and needed to protect." Cementoss said as he stuck his right, cemented hand out to All Might who accepted it and was lifted to his feet by the humanoid block of cement.

Then the two heroes walked towards the unconscious vigilante. They owe him a huge favor of saving All Might.

They're towering the boy before Cementoss kneeled down and lifted him. Then he looked at All Might and asked, "Can I remove the hood?"

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