Ch. 9 - Just Like Me

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Chapter 9 - Just Like Me

It has been few weeks since Izuku got Mittens and Yuran as his pets. Never did the boy show much emotions towards domestic animals, let alone the cuteness killing his heart. It was a rough start, but nonetheless, these cuties warmed up faster than any animals to the green-haired teenager.

His emotionless expression is gone when it comes to his pets. For the people? He had a calm look, with a mixture of an expression that cannot be described.

Now it was just a walk in a park. Actually, he was doing it every day. Waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, playing, reading, or watching the news or whatever that satisfies him, then lunch. After that, it's training time, etc., you know how the routine is when you want to balance your health and body. However, the routine changes when its weekends.

He didn't train every Saturday and Sunday, giving full attention to his pets. But that doesn't mean that he never gives attention to them in weekdays as well. If he had free time, even just a moment, he'll take it.

As of now, Izuku just finished eating lunch and feeding his pets as he takes a rest in the living room to watch the latest news.

What caught his eyes is the news about a mysterious man in black that is doing works like apprehending the robbers and such in every night. Of course, he knows that it's him they're talking about.

It's bound to happen anyway. He also sees some citizens answering questions about the man's name, is he good or bad, you know how it goes when one video or case went viral.

In the middle of the news, he grabbed the remote and turns off the TV before resting his body on the couch with Yuran and Mittens, who jumped and curled up beside him on each side. A smile was formed on Izuku's face as he patted his pets.

It took about a few minutes for him to rest until he stood up and went to his room to get the laptop and find some school, hopefully that is okay with his Quirk.

There was a news report on the internet where the Entrance Examination U. A is already over, but that does not matter to him. He went on to find some schools that are on par or close to a school like U.A. Two schools caught Izuku's attention; Ketsubutsu Academy High School and Shiketsu High School.

Ketsubutsu is okay, but when Izuku look into the information or the history of Shiketsu High School, it intrigued him since Shiketsu High School is on par with U.A.

He wanted to go there, but the only problem is will they accept Quirkless people?

Izuku shook his head left and right, because of a high chance of the school never accepting Quirkless people, even though he had a 'Quirk'.

Still doesn't know how he had a Quirk, he closes his eyes and took a deep sigh.

"I guess this is how my educated life ends." He said as he prepared his clothes and bag, just for him to get ready to train again.

It took a few minutes for him to walk out of the house since he fed Yuran and Mittens once more before he went to the training grounds, which is the Dagobah Municipal Beach.

Walking while thinking, Izuku had so many thoughts about what will he do next. Thinking if there is any school that can accept his Quirkless condition. Well, there are many schools, but it's not his taste.

"Dear!" That word causes Izuku to snap out of his world of thinking as he heard the shout. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it. Like, really bad!

He went to the source of the shout. Once he is there, he saw many people surrounding... one man, whose eyes are looking up.
This made Izuku get curious, because they are looking up as well.

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