Ch. 11 - An Almost Unfortunate Fate

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Chapter 11 - An Almost Unfortunate Fate

May 28. Izuku had nothing to do except just taking a stroll in the city. To let everyone know he can defend himself. Hell, he can even defeat any evil people without holding a small weapon.

There are times where he just laid down on the bed, nothing to do, only just sleeping and such. And it bored the heck out of him.

He had a choice. Just like the movie Spider-Man by Sam Raimi, we always have a choice. And he chooses to walk around the city. He will go back home once it's dark and use his Quirk. He'll do that when if he brought his vigilante outfit. If not? Well, he just go home straight away as if he is an introvert.

His life was full of depression and stress, but ever since Yuran and Mittens came to his life, them by his side made his life shine brighter than before.

As of this day, after feeding his pets, Izuku walked out with the door locked. The keys are in his bag, mind you. Who are with him? It's Mittens and Yuran.

Izuku was holding Mittens while Yuran was following him as they walked towards the bike, with a basket in front and back, that is parked near to a tree within their house campus.

Where did he get a bike? Few days ago, he was inside a bicycle shop, where he would buy one in the future.

His time of thinking was interrupted when a group of men, wearing dark outfits and masks, came to the shop and the civilians quickly judged that they are robbers, and it frightened them due to the group holding dangerous weapons, specifically guns.

As usual, Izuku defended the shop from those bad guys, but those robbers did a major damage to the shop like destroyed cashiers and multiple bicycles, picture frames are destroyed.

No one died, but four persons are injured.

As the police apprehended the robbers, Izuku apologized to the injured persons, but they did not care, because he saved them from an unfortunate death and that is all it matters.

The manager of the shop came and congratulated Izuku for not only saving the shop, but also defended the people that are in it.

As a reward, the manager gave Izuku a free pass to choose a bicycle... for free. If the people are a little moody and jealous, they would get angry at Izuku.

But the fact that Izuku almost sacrificed his life for others, they can't argue that he really deserves it.

What type of bicycle did he choose? The one with a large basket in front and back is the chosen one.

Why? Because there will be a time where he will go out to the beach with his newly found family, that is Yuran and Mittens.

And that time is right now.

There is a secluded place that most people have not found it at the Dagobah Beach, only Izuku found it. With the right outfit, Izuku settled his family down and the domesticated animals played around the beach's sand.

Seeing them rolling around, chasing each other, digging the sand and playing with some shells, it formed a smile on Izuku's face that is brighter than a sun as he put the shades and rested his body with his back on the large cloth with the beach umbrella he bought yesterday covered his whole body, to prevent from getting sunburn.

==Few Days Later==

June 1. Izuku decided to go to the mall to resupply for foods and animal foods. But what he didn't expect was a large explosion and a loud noise of shattered glasses that can be heard from a few feet away. The building was big and obvious that Izuku already know the name of it.

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