Ch. 7 - Selfless Act

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Chapter 7 - Selfless Act

'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep'

Groaning, Izuku woke up from the sudden burst of his alarm sound as he stretches his hands to stop the alarm. Groggily sit up from the bed and reaches out to his phone to see the date.

It's the 26th day of December, Wednesday. He recalled something yesterday afternoon, but before his first vigilante mission. After buying foods from the shopping mall and while he's in front of his house, he took a quick glance at a tree that's within the range of his home campus.

A nest was placed on a large branch. There's an egg poking of the branch. Izuku noticed it and it is moving. The egg was revealing it's shell as it tried to move again.

Izuku smiled at this, but somehow can't help it but a bad feeling is going to happen. He shook his head and heads inside the house. Then his Spider-Sense kicks up as he looks at where the nest is and saw that the egg is almost at the edge.

Any second, it'll fall and the baby will die. Gently dropping the bags that contains his daily needs, he then ran as fast as he can to the tree.

The egg fell off and any millisecond, it will collide with the floor at a fast rate because of the earth's gravity. Izuku saw this and jump forward to stretch his arms to catch the falling egg.

He caught it successfully and started to roll on the grassy ground. After stop rolling, he checks the egg to see if it's okay. He was about to think that the egg is left unscratched until a cracking sound came.

He looks at the egg around and saw a crack. It grew and grew until something came out. The head came out and it's tweeting.

A smile grew from the fifteen-year-old boy as he was about to return the hatchling to the nest, but he looks up and saw 2 birds on the nest.

Thinking that they're the parents of the almost-died hatchling, he then climbs up to the branch. Izuku practice tree climbing or sometimes used it when he doesn't know he's Quirkless.

He's on the tree and saw two birds look at him and ready to fly away, preventing them from getting captured. That didn't happen when they saw a hatchling hatched.

Seeing that the egg is cracked up and the head is poking out, they look at Izuku for few seconds.

"It's your baby." He said with a gentle, warm, and soft tone, with the addition of showing it with a smile on his face.

Izuku returned the hatchling back to the nest. He then jumps down and removes the dirt that remains on his shirt.

Before he opens the door, he took one last look at the bird's family as the two birds snuggled each other's head and beaks while also showing affection to their baby. With another smile, he went inside his house.

That smile on his face just grew as he closed his eyes, happily remembering of saving the hatchling just a few minutes ago. He then does his daily works like cooking, eating, and washing dishes, anything that a person likes when he or she has free time. Well, except the fact that his cell phone broke during his first mission as a vigilante.

==Time Skip==

A few hours have passed and he looks at the time on the wall clock. It's 3:30 PM, signifying the time for him to pack his things and continue training his body.

He was about to leave his house, but he looks back at the tree once more and saw two birds with worms on their beaks while their hatchling is opening his or her beak.

"(If only my parents are still around.)" He thought with a sad expression on his face, remembering the good times with his mom and seeing his dad's corpse and seeing them a few months ago.

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