Ch. 15 - Meeting the Family and the Interrogation

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Chapter 15 - Meet the Family and the Interrogation

The blinding light made Izuku shut his eyes tightly. It hurts, not like hell, but it still hurts. After a few seconds, he got used to the pain and opened his eyes in a slow pace.

Three. The number of persons he laid eyes on. "You're awake." Izuku didn't bother to look around so he slowly raised his body, but began to feel the pain in his head.

He tried to hold it, but the moment he moved his arms, he felt a stab of pain on both of them. It's like so many knives impaled on his palms, wrists, forearms, in short, every part of his arms.

He looked down, only for him to see his arms wrapped up in white cloth. "Easy there, sonny." The old nurse said who was sitting next to the man.

Izuku tried to relax as he followed the. Suddenly, the skinny blonde man pushed a button beside Izuku's head, and the upper part of the bed was raised. It is like one of those patients after an accident or surgery happened to them.

Looking around, he saw that he is in a hospital, but where?

He felt his blood began to bleed out if he ever breathes, and that is enough for him to realize what happened before he got knocked out.

He fought against the Nomu with All Might and defeated it.

He stared at his body, only for him to see that he wears patient clothes as of this moment.

"Where... are we?" Asking in a tiring tone, it felt like years ever since he eats or drinks. Which means, he is thirsty and hungry right about now.

"You are at the Nurse's Office, young man. To be a little general, you're in U.A High School." The moment the person with a brown coat said that Izuku froze.

He blinked once, then two, until it finally finished its process and said, "Hold on. Did you just say... U.A High School?" He asked while adding, "Can someone pinch me so that I can wake up from my dream?"

Hearing this made the man in a brown coat said, "You are in U.A High School, Shadow. Just prepare for some interview questions later."

"(Ugh. Just like you said, bro.)" Izuku thought with annoyance in his mind that everything will get straight into business. So this is what he got when he got captured by heroes. Is this what villains or other vigilantes felt?

"(Just remember. I'm here.)" Shadow said, trying to calm Izuku and to not get stressed out at the start the interview. And for the first time in Izuku's life, it felt so good to have someone by his side no matter what. "(Thanks. Glad that I met someone like you.)"

"(Well, we're the same, and you know that. Anyways, you're welcome.)" Shadow said, returning the favor.

After that, a few minutes have gone by. Izuku has a lot of stamina, only for him to get tired at the end. It's for him to be fully recovered and that he can move his arms and legs without trouble.

You know the reason why he got tired. It's because of Recovery Girl's Quirk, Heal.

More stamina for the user, she can use it on a user to completely heal any injuries. Less stamina? You know what it is. It can result in death.

Even though it felt like he wanted to sleep, he needs to finish the interview.

In a sleepy state, he said, "Go. Ask me away."

"It seems that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa. I am a detective in the Police Department." The man in the brown coat was introduced.

Izuku slightly nodded his head before he slowly turns and looked at the skinny blonde man. The man looked at Tsukauchi, who nodded when they made eye contact with each other.

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