Ch. 34 - The Fight

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Ch. 34 – The Fight

"Stain..." This encounter is whacking the mind out of the Midoriya boy.

First is him never expecting the chaos brought by the presence of the Nomus in Hosu City, Iida, and Todoroki joined together, and the anticipation of Stain appearing in this city. Did those two go on their own to save someone after informing the heroes or stop Stain without permission from the heroes they intern? He hopes it's the former one.

Stain hummed at the sight. He knows who's in front of him, but for him to take down two Nomus is a remarkable achievement alone.

He looked down at the winged Nomu before stabbing the brain with an unsheathed knife, permanently ending its life.

"I've seen you on the television." Stain expressed. "You've been the talk of the town recently. 'The one who defeated Endeavor's son', 'Who will take the rising star of U.A High School as an intern?', 'The student who's a former vigilante', and 'The student that exposed the bully's past actions'."

"That rising star part is exaggerating." Despite the situation, Izuku corrected the Hero Killer.

"If it weren't for him and you, I wouldn't know the disgusting history of the school you're in. I'm grateful that the principal of U.A took the initiative of destroying that piece of shit establishment. But I wonder if there are any schools like it."

Stain shakes his head, putting aside those thoughts as he was going awry from the situation.

"Are you like them?" Confused, Izuku was wondering what he meant by it. It's obvious he's a student like them, indicating Iida and Todoroki, but what is it?


"If you're implying what I think you're implying, then yes." Stain narrowed his eyes in suspicion if the boy got it right or wrong.

"After all, it's a hero's job to meddle in someone's business."

Stain's eyes went wide. That familiar testimony, and the confidence in his voice...

It has confirmed his suspicions.

"(This kid's got it.)" The hero killer thought as he smiled at the boy in front of him. But it faded as the skinny Nomu interrupted them all.

This sent the young Todoroki and Midoriya into turmoil. Either way, they will be killed in the process if they didn't think quick.

Izuku tried to think the unthinkable, but Stain went for the remaining enemy. The said Nomu felt its right shoulder pierced by a thrown knife before a force that equals a speeding car hit its chest.

It stared at the starry sky for a split second before feeling the breeze of the night on its neck.

After that, the wealth of sleepiness overtook its consciousness. Just like the night, it began to feel cold. Slowly and surely, the Nomu's vision began to fade, but not before feeling a puddle of liquid leaking out.

Not realizing what happened, it died.

But what Izuku, Shoto, Tenya, and Native witnessed is mortifying in their eyes.

Stain, the Hero Killer, decapitated the skinny Nomu.

"No witnesses." Stain said before eyeing the three students and a fallen 'Pro Hero'.

Izuku steeled himself. The glare and declaration, it is clear like the air itself.

Stain wants to kill them.

No witnesses indeed.

Izuku saw the knife thrown at him at high speed. He dodged at the last moment before the Hero Killer charged at him.

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