Ch. 18 - Reunion

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Chapter 18 - Reunion

"So, Deku-kun?"


"We've seen you how you fight, but... can you tell us what is your Quirk is? You were like 'Bam' and 'Bam' all over the place." She said, copying his punching moves when he did that on the Nomu.

This brought a small smile on his face. It was funny to see how Ochako tried, and it ended up being hilarious.


"Come again?"


"Shadow? As in like you can control or blend in with the shadows?" Tenya asked with robot movements.

"No. It's the name I've given to my Quirk. I think it's better to call it my partner since he's the real-life Venom." Izuku stated, referencing a Marvel character.

"Wait, really?" They all asked in a loud tone, as if...

"You know Venom?" The green-haired boy raised his eyebrows.

"Of course! I'm a hardcore Marvel fan 'till the end, Midoriya-kun! I truly love Iron Man." Amelia said with the biggest smile she can make and revealing whose Marvel character she loves.

"The character I love is Spider-Man, Kero." Tsuyu said before croaking, admittedly saying who is her favorite Marvel character.

"Mine's Scarlet Witch." A happy Ochako joined the topic.

Next is Iida. "Quicksilver is the one I love because my Quirk is similar to his power."

Izuku realized something as he chuckled at what they said, confusing all of them. Mind you, they're already in their the classroom, but they are the only ones in it. Most of them are just walking or talking around the school campus.

"I'm guessing you love them because you all have the same Quirks as your Marvel persona, huh?" Izuku asked, making their eyes widened at his analysis. Well, most of them except Tsuyu, who still had that straight look, but nonetheless was surprised.

He first looked at Tenya Iida. "I don't know if you're related to Ingenium or not, but from what you said that you like Quicksilver, I'm guessing that your Quirk is related to Ingenium's Quirk, which is Engine. I've done a research about him and I'm truly impressed that Ingenium has a lot of sidekicks. He might be strong, but with allies, he's a lot stronger. Teamwork is an important valuable thing too, which makes me wonder if there ever will be a hero like him."

Hearing this made Tenya smile because his classmate complimented his big brother's words and actions, one that he truly admires ever since he was a kid.

"Thank you, Midoriya-kun. Hearing your thoughts on my big brother's goals made me really happy. And yes, you are correct on what you assumed. I hope I'll repeat it again for you? The only difference is, is that my Quirk is located on my calves while my big brother is located at his elbows."

"I see. You don't need to explain it, Iida-kun." Izuku waved his hands, prompting the blue-haired boy with eyeglasses to stop there.

With that, he turned to Tsuyu, who was staring back at him as he said, "Asu- I mean Tsu-chan." He corrects himself for calling the frog-like girl her first name awhile ago. "For you, you had frog-like abilities except you can climb a wall like a spider, a very long tongue, they are all somehow related to Spider-Man's power, is it not?" Izuku stated all the possible evidence that Spider-Man and her Quirk's powers are related.

"Kero." Tsuyu croaked as she nodded in approval. She didn't say anything else, which is surprising for Izuku.

"You're not gonna say anything?"

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