Ch. 31 - A Tiring Day

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Chapter 31 - A Tiring Day


"This is driving me nuts." Miruko frustratingly scratches her head.

Rumi Usagiyama, known as the Rabbit Heroine: Miruko, was having difficulty just reading the paper on the desk.

And what did that paper do to her?


"(Work studies.)" She sank deep into her thoughts again. The same words that she wouldn't expect to put a burden on her shoulders.

"(It's like having your own errand boy watching how you work, but is that considered a team?)"

Sitting in her seat for what seems to be more than an hour, she can't complete the form. She's already holding a pen in her hand and a stamp in the other.

Thinking carefully with justification, she followed her gut. With the deadline of turning in the paper was around the corner, she thought to herself one more time, "(He's the first place in three rounds, I can already tell he had a bunch of offers. Not like he'll choose me. It's not a team. That's right, just think of it as a worker.)"

She mussed over her considerations before finally writing his name on the paper with an official stamp.

"(It's okay. There's no way he'll pick me.)" She submitted the paper via fax to where you ask?

U.A High School.

==Present Day; Awhile Ago==

After they finished choosing their hero names in the future, Aizawa woke up and removed himself from his sleeping bag.

"Alright, here's the new seating arrangement." He pushed the button and the said arrangement was shown on the board.

" He pushed the button and the said arrangement was shown on the board

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With everyone sitting, the homeroom teacher started to talk.

"Now that everyone's done with their hero names, we'll go back to the topic of internships."

Beside him, Nemuri stretched her arms upward, releasing energy in an upbeat manner.

"They'll last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given to your own lists, that way you can choose them for yourself."

"Those who didn't have offers," He held up a paper from the stack he was holding. "Will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns."

"They all work in different places and have different specialties."

"For example," Midnight joined. "If you're going to an internship with Thirteen, she's focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains."

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