Chapter32- Priorities

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Hollys PoV
"I can't find her anywhere" I said down the phone to Olivia. It was now the end of the day and none of us had seen Courtney since except Olivia who had once lesson with her. Apparently she just avoided eye contact and as they sat at complete opposite sides of the classroom there was no way of communicating. "Look just get everyone to come outside the reception, I'm sure she's just on the bus or something." I hung up and made my own way to reception.


"We asked people and no one had seen her." Erica said. "I'm so worried."

"Look, let's not worry quite yet. Let's go see if she's on the bus if not we can worry and text Niall or something, he could be our last bit of hope." I said. We all walked down the pathway leading to the road that came in front of our school. The busses sat in a line, once we found the one Courtney always got on all of us boarded.


"Ok, now can we worry?" Sarah said.

Courtney PoV
I didn't want to get the bus. I'd have to face all my friends. So, I started the long walk home. I hadn't walked home since the night me and Niall met. He'd either come and collect me or I'd get the bus. Now I had no other choice but I kind of liked the idea of wondering outside alone.

I walked at a slow pace taking in deep breaths as I did. I became very aware of my surroundings, not waning go run into any trouble AGAIN. I took out my phone and put in my headphones listening to some Ed, he always made me feel happy. My thoughts turned to how I would get away with my mum not realising my face. It was obvious something had happened. Maybe I could say I fell... However that didn't really work with the girls.


I took my phone out of my pocket to see I had a message.

From Niall💕:
Hi, I'm worried about you. Earlier on today I realised you were at school meaning you would be seeing Macy again and I'm not there to protect you. I just got a text from Holly saying you were acting really strange and that you looked like you had been in a fight. You and I both know that's not true. I know what happened and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop it. I miss you, I rlly do but I can see you've moved on. I'm trying to be happy for you with all my heart but the truth is its hard seeing the girl you love, love someone else and so soon. However it's even harder seeing the girl you love in pain and that's why I'm going to keep my promise. Even if you are with Darren if you EVER need me I am here for you. Know that please x

My heart melted and my lip trembled as I read the text. How could he be so sweet to me after I'd been so sour? His heart was made of gold, he loved so deeply and unconditionally- the same way I did for him I just hadn't showed it lately. He must've seen the pictures of me and Darren that the paparazzi took. Great. I had no idea how to reply so I left it and once I reached the park I sat on a swing and pulled out my phone again.

To Niall💕:
In all honesty, I haven't moved on. Me and Darren literally accidentally met it wasn't set up, I swear, so when I saw him we decided to go out for a bit. I tried moving on, I tried falling for him but once you've had Heinz beans it's kind of hard to settle for Tescos own (you know what I mean). For ur sake I haven't texted u bcoz I was scared that if u had moved on a text would pull u back. I think about u all the time but I think the only way I'm going to be able to stop that is by cutting u out of my life completely. That means no texting, and u can't protect me. I'm not urs to protect anymore. I'll be fine. Just remember I do love you and I am eternally thankful for everything you've done for me.

I looked up from my phone hitting send. I looked down the hill of the park, past the slide and wire gate. Behind the wire gate is a road... Yes, the same road me and Niall first "crossed paths". I looked at it trying to remember the events of that night. The last thing I could remember was seeing bright lights. Then I thought about the first thing I could remember after waking up. It was Nialls voice. Just saying "hello?". I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought about that possibility of never seeing him again and never hearing that voice again. It pained me so deeply.

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