Chapter17-Not working out

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Courtney's POV

My heart sank as I checked my phone for what seemed like the 100th time. It was seven o'clock and Niall was still a no show. My mum gave me a worried glance across the table. I just smiled acting like I'd forgotten but I knew she'd see right through me. In my head different theories circled my mind; maybe he didn't like me, maybe he thought it would be boring, Maybe he had something better to do. I couldn't help but to feel the slightest bit angry. Here I was sat at the table looking like a fool. After talking good about him to all my family and he doesn't bother showing up. I decided to text him... Again. My previous messages had contained things like 'where are you baby?' Or 'everyone here now.' This one wasn't going to be like that.

To Nialler💞:

Niall, where are u? I'm getting worried so of u r seeing these and choosing to ignore them plz reply ASAP and let me know if u acc plan on turning up at any point. I can't believe you haven't turned up, after talking positive about you all evening you now look like an arse. Btw I love u, I'm just a little bit cross and confused. xxxxx

I decided to add the btw I love you part because I didn't want to seem too harsh at the same time it wasn't very nice of him. I felt myself begin to sweat, I worried about what my family thought. I worried about where he was. I decided to call him again but after a while it stopped ringing. Finally, after having enough I tried Harry, maybe Niall and him were together they often were.

He answered.

"Hi Courtney!"

"Hey, I was just wondering have you seen Niall anywhere?"

"Ummm no, but I think Julie was coming over tonight... Not sure though."

My eyebrows knitted together... Why would Niall be with Julie? I was confused, heart broken and all together pissed off. I was going to go see what was going on for myself.

I walked into the kitchen and whispered to my mum.

"Could you give me a lift to Nialls I want to see if he's ok. I won't be long." After my um agreed she dropped me off outside the flats before returning to our guests. I held down the button.

"Um hello?" I couldn't hear Louis voice at the end of the line.

"Hi Lou, it's me Courtney!"

"Well you better come in then!" Once I was in I stood outside Nialls door and tapped on it three times. I heard shuffling on the other side of the door, maybe even a slight whisper before eventually he answered. He wore a white shirt with the top buttons undone and his cheeks were very red.

"Courtney." He sighed. I didn't know why but my eyes started to fill with water. I felt so stupid because even I didn't know why I was crying.

"Please don't cry baby. I'm sorry I just got um er caught up." He smiled and reached out for me, not being able to resist I fell into his arms. I felt his hands rubbing circles on my back as his warm breath sent a shiver down my spine. I felt at home... That was until I hear something. A crashing noise. I pulled away and realised something wasn't right. Nialls face had turned into a state of panic even though he tried to hide it. I walked further in towards the bathroom, where the noise had come from. My hand reached out for the door nob and I slowly opened it.

"Look it's not what your gonna think!" Niall put his hand on his head.

"No, not at all." Julie winked at me before picking up a deodorant can she 'accidentally' dropped. She must've wanted me to see her, there at his house.

"What're you doing here?" I gritted my teeth.

"Me? I'm just leaving, but I've got something to show you so why don't you join me?" Julie raised her eyebrows, I looked at Niall who was bright red shaking his head.

"No, no she won't be coming with you." Niall leaned forward to grab for my hand but I pulled away.

"Niall, who are you to tell me what I can do and can't?" With that I stormed out. Knowing Julie had something to say... I also knew it wasn't going to be good.

After we left Julie turned to face me, we talked.

"Look, Courtney we don't need to be enemy's infact I never wanted you to not like me." Julie made her eyes wide and shook her head.

I glared at her. "Oh really? Than why have you been trying to get MY boyfriend back?"

"Look sweetie, it's not me who wants the relationship again. Oh your so innocent, I wish for you it was that simple. You see it's Niall. He, no matter how much he may deny it to you, wants me back. I've got proof."

My heart went wild in my chest, of course I wanted to see the evidence however I knew it would break my heart. I gulped loudly and nodded at the skinny woman standing before me.

"Here." She took out her phone and started playing a recording. At first I hear nothing but then it all began to pan out.

"Julie the truth is, What we had was special! I still think of you, but it's not right for us to be together. I'm too busy and you need someone to be there for you all the time. If I could be with you now I would, so please back off and let me get over this. It's hard enough without the added stress so please let me have some time. If you cared about me you would." I heard Nialls voice, clear as a bell on the recording. My test began to get tight and I couldn't breath.

"See I'm on your side. You don't want someone like that, do you?" Julie stuck out her bottom lip just as rage took over me. I knocked her phone out of her hand and began to run as fast as I could. It took me around fifteen minutes but in that time I'd ran all the way home. I knocked on the door out of breath and read.

"Hel- oh darling. Are you okay?" My mother asked, concerned.

"Yeah- I'm erm I'm just tired coz I er I ran home for exercise. I'm gonna get some sleep." I abruptly pushed passed my mum, immediately feeling guilty after, and raced up stairs to my room. As soon as I got inside I shut the door and began to snob into my wall. The one person I ever thought could or would hurt me had. It was the devastating moment I realised you can't trust anyone. I felt lost.


Hi! So sorry for the very late update, I've been sooooooooo busy again! Also sorry for this short chapter but I wanted to update quickly, I promise I will pick this back up again! Anyway, hope your all ok and thank u for reading!

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