Chapter 19- Reacurring Issue

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Courtney's POV
I paced the length of the living like one hundred times trying to come up with the best thing to do. All the while I kept thinking about how the news would be spreading. I had to do something before it got to excessive. I needed to call him.

No answer.

He must've been cross with me still. Wrong time Niall! It was kind of a good thing that I hadn't heard from him because I knew he hadn't seen it meaning it hadn't got too far. I decided to walk over to Holly's, I knew she'd be in and if she wasn't the walk would do me good anyway.

As I walked down the street I noticed how wintery everything looked. A thin layer of crisp frost clung to the pavements and the sky was one shade of white making trees look black against it. At the time it was still November so we didn't have long until Christmas and it already had that feel. I looked across the pavement to my left, on the other side of the road, two small children held hands and walked infront of their mums, a little further down the pavement was some kids about 13 years old (three girls and two boys) one of the boys leant in and hugged one of the girls as soon as the boys disappeared around the corner she smiled brightly at her friends who clapped and cheered. I remembered going through that. As I scanned the street I noticed a couple infront of me, I hadn't noticed them before, it was so weird. The girl had black wavy hair and the boy had dark routes with blonde hair on top. It looked so like me and Niall I had to blink but when I opened my eyes they disappeared. Just at that point I fell to the ground...


I woke up and heard music I opened my eyes to see Harry and Louis by a fire dancing around. I also saw some of my friends sat around watching and laughing. I sat up and looked to the left to see my reflection. It was me alright but without the bruises and cuts. I looked healthy again.

"Ah finally, you've woken up!" Nialls voice echoed really loudly, but I was the only one who heard.

"Niall? How did I get here?" I blinked.

"Ummm, you just woke up. Are you ok?"

"Aren't you on tour?"

"On tour, why would I be on tour?" He laughed. I looked around and noticed the small house we were in.

"Where Are we?" I asked.

"Courtney? We are at our place!"

"Our place?" I looked around the room and saw a few pictures of me and Niall in various places. I also noticed that there was nothing to do with one direction around the room at all. "Where's Zayn and Liam?"

"Zayn? Liam?" Niall looked so confused.

"Yes! Where are they? I see Harry and Louis y'know your band mates but wher-"

"My what? Harry and Louis are my friends!are you feeling ok?"

"Me? No, you, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam are in a band called one direction. You came off X factor!"

"Courtney, I auditioned for X factor years back. I didn't even get through. That's how me and Louis and Harry are friends, you know this stuff! If I was in a band I wouldn't have the time to look after you, or take you out every night or kiss you." Niall kissed my forehead before smiling and trying to pull me up.

I shook my head. "No, I'm ok. I need some time to just... Sit."

"Ok babe. Oh and remember tomorrow we are going to scan!"

"Scan? What?" I looked down and grasped my stomach and that's when I woke up... Again.


"Courtney?" I heard voices getting louder and louder. "Courtney it's holly, if you can hear me gesture or-"

"Holly?" I croked before blinking open my eyes.

"Oh my god Courtney!" Holly grabbed me and hugged me tighter then ever. "I was so worried!"

"How did you find me? And did I faint?" I rubbed the back of my head as I noticed the striking pain that I was feeling from it.

"Oh well you fainted or collapsed or whatever... Doctors not sure yet.... Just five doors down from us and my neighbour, Miss Chinkie, saw you and recognised you from the New Years part so she knocked and yeah! My mum called the doctor and in fact they're downstairs now, she said it could've been the cold whether or lack in sleep! Oh and by the way your mums coming..." Holly bit her lip.

"Woah! That was a lot to take in! Did she freak out?" I asked.

"Ummmm not too much no." Holly got up and busied herself. "But she did freak out when my mum told her about those marks on your face. Courtney, what happened? I saw a magazine and I need to check."

"No, it's not true. If I tell you who did this you mustn't say a thing." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Ummmmm ok, just say."

So after explaining it to someone else I was truly done.

"oh my god." She whispered. "I never thought you, of all people, would let someone treat you like that." Holly looked up at me, she looked really distressed.

"I'm going to be fine. You can't say anything though, ok? Or she'll hurt him and that'll kill me. I'll just tell my mum I um tripped over something in the street and the. I um hit my head and that's how I probably fainted!"

"Hello darling." My mum came around the corner. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts a bit, probably from the fall oh and um my face where it's bruised and I feel really tired but other than that I'm fine!"

"Well let's get you home! I'll be downstairs with Holly's mum when you're ready."

"Ok mum." I smiled and watched her leave.

"Do you want to borrow some clothes?" Holly asked.

"No thank you, I've actually got a spare top." I looked in my bag and pulled out my Niall's top. I looked at it and smiled. Holly rested her head on my shoulder.

"Things will get better, Courtney. I know it."


Mum let me have the rest of the week off school and by the weekend I had had enough of just lying in bed, watching tv, playing a bit of guitar here and there and checking my instagram. It made me realise that I had nothing do without school... But that's not wanted I wanted to do. I wanted to perform and be with My Niall. I could've had both. Macy had stayed away for that hole week which kind of felt like a holiday so I guess that was nice but if I had the choice to have been with Niall and constantly been harassed by her i would've taken it. I needed him and so I spoke to my mum and told her how I felt. She didn't say much so I went back to my room and fell asleep in the middle of my bed with no cover on.


"Courtney? You better get up! Your gonna be late!" I heard my mum call. I opened my eyes and titled my head to face my clock. Firstly, it was a Saturday and secondly it was 5am... Why did I have to get up?

"What?!" I shouted back. Mum came in with a suitcase. "Ummm?"

"Well, the flights at nine and they say the journeys roughly an hour and to leave about three hours for the airport." Mum smiled and rocked on her heels.

"What are you going on about?" I shook my head and then my mum left leaving my suitcase by my door and placing a piece of paper on top. I got up and picked up the paper. It was a plan ticket... To Australia. My heart beat quicker. "OH MY GOD MUM I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!" I ran along the hall and hugged her tightly. I knew I wouldn't see her for a while and that pained me. "Does Niall know?"

"Of course not." She smiled.

How do you think Niall will take Courtney just showing up? Will he still be angry? Thank you for reading, it's really appreciated. It would be great if you could vote as well please.😘💚 Cx

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