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Courtney POV
"Hi Olivia, are you ok?" I said as I walked into the hotel room. Olivia didn't look upset. She was sat on the sofa with a glass of water. She turned off the tv and turned to face me.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just thought you know... Maybe me and Harry had a chance but now I don't know. I understand that it happened long before me and Harry became friends and I understand that it wasn't meant to work out this way but it doesn't stop the pain I'm feeling."

"I'm sure Harry is feeling the same right now. Don't tell yourself he doesn't love you because I know for a fact that he does! Now go and be cheerful, Erica said she was going out later why don't you go with her?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I will. I need some fresh air and it will be good to talk to her." Olivia leaned back into her chair just as Niall shoved open the door.

"Courtney." He whispered looking really worried, then he spotted a olvia who turned around. He quickly changed his facial expression into a smile and waved. Olivia waved back and turned around again. His eyes widened again. "I just spoke to management, they've seen both articles and they're not happy. We have to go meet with Simon for dinner later on. Apparently he has something to tell us." Niall breathed out and pulled me close. I hugged him tight feeling slightly confused and as though Niall knew something I didn't. My mind wondered but I didn't want to believe what came to my mind.


"Sweetie you probably should start getting dressed." Niall came in doing up the buttons of his white shirt, on his bottoms half he had nothing but a grey pair of boxers on. His hair was all over the place making him look really hot. I bit my lip taking him in.

"Do we have to go?" I moaned, just wanting a night in with Niall. I slowly walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. Niall put his arms around my lower half and rubbed my back gently.

"Unfortunately, we do. It could be really important." His voice was so deep, I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying. I went on my tip toes and kissed him once on the lips, then agin until he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and the kiss carried on getting deeper and deeper. I felt him smile against my lips which made me smile all the more. I loved him so much. After a while Niall loosened his grip so I could get down onto the floor again. Our eyes were locked, our hands hung loosely down our sides with our fingers intertwined. Every time I looked at him I got this indescribable feeling mixed of pride, happiness and pure love!( I know that sounds really over the top but it's true). "Right now, get dressed." He said pulling a red dress out of the wardrobe and throwing it to me. I caught it and smiled at him.

"Ok." I said just standing there.

"Well go on then we don't have all day!" Niall rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Um well aren't you going to go out and give me some er privacy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh right er yeah sure um ok right bye!" Niall stammered before leaving the room. I laughed to myself and got dressed.


"Niall your hair looks fine!" I said as I watched Niall preen himself in the mirror.

"No look!" He said pointing at his quiff which looked, by the way, perfectly normal. "What is this little flicky thing doing?" I rolled my eyes before pushing down the "little flicky thing".

"Done!" Niall leant in and kissed my cheek.

"You look so beauti-"

"BEEEEEEEP!" We heard coming from outside.

"Ah I'm assuming that's for us, Simon must've sent transport!" Niall took my hand and lead me out of our room.

The weather outside was quite cold. The wind was picking up. So different to the day where it had been so hot. Both of us rushed over to this slick black car that awaited outside the hotel. The drivers window wound down.

"Mr.Horan." He nodded at Niall who smiled and got in. I followed.

Nialls POV
As soon as we arrived I could see Simon sitting at the table, there were around five waiters serving him by look of it. I chucked to myself. Then I noticed the amount of people outside the restaurant door with camera etc.

"Wow Niall that's a lot of people." Courtney said her eyes wide and curious.

"I know, doesn't word travel quick." I spoke knowing how weird this was. Even I didn't know where we were going. How could they know? Something wasn't right. We charged down a small path way that had been made for our entrance. Some people shouted things but the ones that stuck in my head were...

"Niall, do you abuse your woman?"

"Courtney does he hurt you?" After that comment I saw Courtney turn around and do a particularly rude sign at a man. She made me laugh.

"Hello Simon." I said approaching the table. Simon stood up smiling.

"Hello Niall, Courtney." He nodded towards us, Courtney stood slightly behind me (she was nervous) and smiled at him.

"Hello, nice to see you again." She extended her hand and he shook it but stopped smiling.

"I'm afraid this visit isn't going to be so nice and I hate that I have to do it." Simon shook his head half to himself and then gestured forward. "Anyway, take a seat!"
After we ordered our food came within minutes, probably a little something to do with Sir Simon Cower but I don't know!

"Ok, Simon what was the thing?" I said pushing my now empty plate slightly away from myself. I felt Courtney's hand slide on top of mine so i held it, giving it a squeeze to comfort her. I think we both knew what was coming.

"Right. You're going to hate me for this but i am your boss, not your friend." Simon looked at us sat next to each other. I saw a form of sadness in his eyes. "Niall, Courtney you must stop seeing each other."

"Bu-" I stared.

"No buts. We can't go about this in another way!"

"Sir please! The rumours aren't true!" Courtney pleaded, tears in her eyes.

"Do you think I don't know that? Of course I know they're not true but millions of other people do believe it and our whole company is at risk. Look I spoke to the team, asked them if there was another way of speaking to the public but they don't think it will work because they said that even if you were you know, you'd deny it! So the conclusion is that you'll break up, we won't make a big deal out of it and the media will slowly forget about you two ever being!"

"Well that's never going to happen! Did you not think about interviews?" I enquired getting pissed off.

"Yes, you simply say "Sadly, we had to break up but we still talk." However you can't be seen together by the public because we need to stop the relation between the two of you. We need people to forget!" Simon sipped some of his drink. Before dabbing his mouth with a hanky and standing up. I stood up to with aggression coursing through my veins.

"That is the most ridiculous and stupid idea I've ever come across!" I spoke.

"Well with the mess you've got yourself in it's our only option! Did you not hear all those people out there?" Simon looked back at me.

"I knew it wasn't right! You told people that we were gonna be hear! You told them to help persuade us that this was a good idea! Well your plans failed! Me and Courtney need each other, she's a part of me now." I felt my cheeks burning. I knew I was out of control and I hated it.

"It doesn't matter wether my "plan" has worked or not. It's simple. You don't do as I say and your career is over... One Direction is over. Everyone will know why as well and maybe some of the rumours won't be 100% true! trust me I hate doing this; breaking up a perfectly good couple, but it's not just me in this company. I'm sorry. You have until tomorrow to get out of each other's lives. Courtney I've booked you and your friends tickets home. They leave in two days time. Make the most." Simon reached his hand out for me to shake it but I juts stared at it and then back at his face with disgust. He breathed out before leaving.

Apologise for taking ages to update! Been so busy! But OMG guys I got tickets to go and see the boys on the road again tour and I'm so happy! Anyway please keep voting it means a lot😘💚 Cx

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