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Rieka's POV

I got a call

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I got a call. Mayor Lockwood. She wants me to stop by, since I was head of the party committee for 3 years. So I got dressed and went there.  She didn't like my new confidence because she thought I'd fuck her son. I would never! He's like my brother.

After about an hour of talking she told me she had a meeting and that I could wait for Tyler. So I did. She walked out the door and I propped up my feet, and drank a scotch. I heard a few voices and walked in.

"-Martin witches are no longer with us," I heard Elijah. I strutted in. I hear Elena. Ew!

"No. I'm sorry,"

"And Katerina? She would have been released from my compulsion when I died,"

"You died," I feign shock. "Man, they got the drop on you? I could have told you that. They're backstabbers. All but Tyler and Caroline, apparently. Matt's oblivious." I make my presence known.

"Rieka! Where have you been? Oh,I know. Killing innocence, leaving me to-," I cut him off.

"I didn't force your hand. Now continue," I plop down.

"Why are you here," Elena asked rudely.

"Rieka is always welcome in my presence. She's much like my old friends."

"Plus I'm waiting for Ty. Why are you here," I bitch grin.

"Klaus took her. We think she may be dead,"

"Doubt it. If I was him, she ran 500 years. I would torture her for 250 years then kill. Slow burn," she looked disgusted as Elijah agreed.


They continue talking. I fix Elijah and I drinks. He takes it.

"There's a whole family of Originals,"

"Yes, Elijahs probably played big brother for,like, ever!" I exclaim.

"Yes," he tells us of is family. His father a wealthy landowner. His mother, borer of 7 children.

"So your parents were human?"

"Obviously, Elena! The whole family was!Stefan, Damon,Caroline all human. Then turned. I swear, your brain is the size of potato chip," I fix more scotch.

"Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know...we're the oldest vampires is the world," Elijah explains. "We are the original family, and from us all vampires were created. We also had powerful werewolves at our side to centuries. Allies,family even. Hadn't seen one for decades till the first female of their blood line was born."

"Right, but Klaus is your brother," she questioned. "And you want him dead?"

"I need some air. I'm still feeling a tad.... Dead. Come," he offers me and had and I accept. We talk about a lot. Originals immortality, there weaknesses, daggers, a lot.

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