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Third persons POV


Mentions of suicide and death.

Rieka was out of town after getting a call from Hayley, they need help with the pack. A wolf triggered the curse.

Back in Mystic Falls, there was a decade dance, Ester turned Alaric to a vampire, he kidnapped Caroline, and they desiccated Klaus. Rieka felt it.

The dull ache tell her to help him. The need to feel the sparks from their skin colliding. The stabbing feeling in her chest once they succeeded in putting him down.

Rieka was supposed to be back a few days ago, but she was running late. So, when Elijah called her, she drove back and met him at the Gilbert home.

She sees Elijah standing at the open door and goes up to him. Elena calls out for Stefan. "Elijah, Rieka."

"Hello again," Elijah greets.

"Please, sit," Elena says, we do.

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapons in our possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us. Rieka will cloak us all, whilst we run," Elijah explains. Matt frowns at her.

"And you'll all just...run," Stefan asks them as he sits down.

"We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?"

"This ache in my chest isn't fun, Lijah. If they don't take the deal or if Klaus doesn't make it out alive, I'm becoming murderous," she hisses.

"Rieka," Elijah scold, she mocks surrender by throwing up her hands.

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back," Elena says. Rieka raises her eyebrows.

"You," she laughs. "You can't let it happen. You forget, Ellie, your human. We all, me, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Damon, Stefan, are all supernatural. Most of us are un-," Elijah cuts her off by placing a hand over her mouth.

He smiles at her after 'shhhh'ing her. "I give you my word, Elena, I will not revive Klaus within your, nor even your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners."

"It's Klaus, not a six year old," She snarks after shoving his hand away.

"Why should she trust you," Matt asks Elijah

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"Why should she trust you," Matt asks Elijah. "All you've done is screw her over. Then, took my sister."

"And for that I'm deeply ashamed. We did not steal Rieka, she's family. But know this- she could have been dead the instant we walk through that door tonight. Rieka, and her mannerism, wanted to. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust us- or not."

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