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Rieka's POV

Three months I have been with Klaus and Broody, I mean Stefan. Currently we're in Tennessee trying to find information on a werewolf named Ray Sutton. He tried to have me help them, I didn't and he got made. He raised his voice at me about it so I broke his neck and left him in the car with a cracked window.

He was royally pissed, but he's not that bad. Usually when we check into hotels there's only two rooms. A single and a double, I have to room share. Which isn't fair because they're both guys! But who cares? They both check me out, Klaus is shameless unlike Stefan. But here we are walk up to some lady outside a house.

"Rudy," she whistles. "Rudy. Come on. It's to hot to make my come looking for you."

Agreed,I thought. We appear. She jumps out of her skin.

"I am so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you," he says in a awful accent. Liar!

"Can I help you," she catches her breathe.

"Yeah, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back, we feel like we've been walk forever," he looks around. "Yours is the first house we've come to,so I was just hoping we could use your phone."

"Don't you have cell phones," she says rudely.

"Ha,yeah. My phone's dead and he forgot his," I pull out of my pocket. "He's good in the looks but not a lot there," I gesture to his head. He squeezes my hand tighter.

"Look,I promise I'm not a serial killer. I just want to use your phone," said every serial killer!

"Sure," she turns.

"So," he elongated it. "We can come in?"

Way to be obvious!

"No, I'll get the phone and bring it out to you," his act drops.

"I thought you country folk, were supposed to be more trusting," he says without the accent.

"I'm from Florida," she says rudely.

"Well that explains it," he speeds to her and compels her.

"You guys do you," he turns as I speak. "I'll be in the car." I say walking back. They hop in and we drive to a hotel.


Single and a double. Again.

"I'm going to shower first," I say digging in my bag. He let me pack before we left.

"Ok, I'm going to get some food," he walks out.


I walk in and start the shower. When it's perfect I shampoo, condition, and brush my hair. Then wash my body and shave. After a shower I apply my Sensual Amber body lotion.

Then, I get dressed in my comfortable clothes. Which is a large sweater, a messy bun, and socks, and obviously my underwear.

 Which is a large sweater, a messy bun, and socks, and obviously my underwear

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