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After they arirved at the mansion, Rieka made some sausage, peppers, onions, and fried potatoes. Hayley ate and went to the room Rieka showed her.

Now, Hayley is hanging out in her room while the mates are in the parlour. Rieka was in jeans, socks, a large, cropped sweater, hair down, and makeup. She was reading The Hunger Games while Klaus rubbed her legs as he read some poetry.

She decided to tell him about the visions. The man kept popping up holding the baby, Klaus holding the baby, and other visions of things. "Hey, Nik?"

He looks up. "Yes, my love."

"There's soemthing I need to talk to you about," She tells and he nods for her to continue. "I've been seeing things. Things like this strange yet familar man. I feel a connection to him."

"Should I be worried about him stealing you away," He attempts to joke but he was really worried.

"Should I be worried about him stealing you away," He attempts to joke but he was really worried

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"No. No, Nik, it was the kind of connection I feel when I talk to Elijah or Rebekah or when I talk to my parents. It's as though we are familiars, some how."

He takes her book and sits the reading down. "Well, love, what did he look like?"

"That's the thing, I can't see his face clearly. He's fuzzy-looking in my head. I seen his face sort of. He had claws, canines, glowing eyes, like mine, but different. I can't explain it, it's frustrating," She groans. He slides her to him by her calves, the leather making a noise. He brings her to his lap and kisses her nose. "There's something else."

"Well," He kisses her cheek. "Don't wait for a prequel, what is it, little wolf?"

"In the visions-" She was cut off by the door being knocked on. Klaus grunts and stands up.

"Hold that thought in your perfect head, my love," He goes and opens it.

"Ah, what an unpleasant surprise," Klaus sighs as Damon walks in.

"So, I just came up with a list," Damon snarks as holds papers. "It's call 'Things you suck at.' Number one: Finding Katherine, ever. Number two: Covering up Rieka's secret phone converstaions with little backstabber, Hayley," He tosses the records down. "Yeah, so where is she, and what does she know about Katherine?"

"We should help you," Rieka scoffs as Damon nods. "After you guys killed Kol, not to mention Finn, and imprisoned us in Elena's livingroom?"

 "After you guys killed Kol, not to mention Finn, and imprisoned us in Elena's livingroom?"

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