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Klaus' eyes open and he looks to his gorgeous mate that is tucked into the sheets next to him on her stomach

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Klaus' eyes open and he looks to his gorgeous mate that is tucked into the sheets next to him on her stomach. He moves the blankets down and scoots closer to her. He kisses her exposed shoulder and breathes in her intoxicating scent.

He runs his hand over her side feathery-light. He pecks her neck and shoulders and she unconsciously leans into him.

He lays back to watch her and take in the fact that after so many lifetime sof waiting for this, it's real. She loves him and he loves her. They have each other Always and Forever.

Rieka, feeling his touches and gazes, flutter her eyes open to see her grinning mate. She smiles. "Hi."

"Good morning, little wolf. We have a full day ahead of us once we walk out of this door."

She groans and lays back down. "We could always just stay here forever and ever."

"Yes," He chuckles. "-we could. Or we could be productive in a search of the cure for vampirism."

"Do you want it?"

"Why would I want to be mortal when you're not. I wouldn't want it anyways," He gets up and goes to the closet.

"Then why worry? We're immortal! We'll love each other for, literally, ever! We don't need it, so get your ass back in this bed."

"I wish I could, love, but not going to happen. I would like more hybrids to protect us from enemies in the future. To protect you, me, and our family," She gets up and wraps her arms around his waist as she starts kissing his bareback. He hums almost inaudibly. "Hmm."

"Or...we could stay here just a few minutes longer," She bites down with her blunt teeth as she sucks harshly, forming a love bite that heals. He turns around and wraps his arms around her waist. He nuzzles into her neck kissing her so she lulls her head to the side.

"As much I'd like to hear you scream out for me, there is a hunter downstairs chained up," Her mood is gone like a fart in the wind at his statement.

"What,"He winced at the calm but harshness in her voice.

"One of the Five hunter's that will lead us to the cure! Now, I'll be downstairs, get dressed," She groans. "I have a question, love."


"Move in with me? I love having you here and it quells my rage."

"Ok, I'll move in and quell your rage, Mr.Mikaelson," He pecks her cheek and walks out, after dressing, with the largest grin he's ever sported.

She decide to get back at him for denying her request of stay in bed. She walks to the closet that has some of her clothes and sees the perfect thing. She decides to put it on later after she showers and gets ready.


After having some time to herself reading fanfictions, doing face masks, and other things she decide to be productive in making her mate frustranted. So she got read by showering, shaving, brushing her teeth, straightening her hair, perfume, and doing her make-up. All of which took a few hours, she was in her dress and pulling her boots on.

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