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Rieka's POV

I was in my kitchen listening to some podcast in my thong and hoodie, while cooking. I'm making fried rice, sausage, seasoning,onions and peppers,with cheesy,scrambled eggs to top. When my phone and doorbell goes off at the same time.

"Hello," I yelled, no answer. "Hello," I ask into the phone.

"Hello,darling," Rebekah's voice breaks through. "Come over in a hour, so we can get ready!"

"For-." My voice cuts off at the site of a box with a envelope. "That,I assume."

"Yes,Ry. Don't dilly dally," the call ends. I open the box to see a elegant sequin dress with a slit  mid thigh, backless, with no straps. It's magnificent.  I open the letter to see an invitation.




A ball, really? They came back from
Slumber to party the next day? Sus.

It has writing on the back.

Save me a dance

Lovingly, Klaus

Man,he has some fantastic penmanship!

Well, duh, stupid! He's a thousand years old!

I scold myself, run upstairs to get dressed.


After getting dressed in my outfit, which was jeans,crop, and heels, makeup with a ponytail, I arrived at the mansion.

After getting dressed in my outfit, which was jeans,crop, and heels, makeup with a ponytail, I arrived at the mansion

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"Bekah," I say as I walk in. I was told that this would always be my home to,so why not?

"Come,let's get those nails done," she squealed.

Kol and, who I assume is, Finn are being fitted for suits, Elijah's trying to pick a shoe, and Bekah and I are getting our nails polished.

"Rieka,Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am," Kol says.

"Oh,sweetheart, we can't be compelled," the siblings laugh at my humor. "Elijah," he looks at me. "The black not brown. Never,ever brown. It's way out of style."

"Thank you, Rie-," he was cut off by the door slamming open,Elijah continues polishing his shoe.

"You went after Elena," Klaus angry struts over. "What is wrong with you?"

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