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Rieka's POV

After going to sleep, showering, and eating we went to a boutique. Rebekah and I are closer and share a room.

I'm currently trying on a skirt outfit. Rebekah's next to me.

"There has to be more to this dress," She complained.

"There's not," Klaus tells her

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then," she inquires. "You know I got dirty looks for wearing trousers!" I laugh.

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," he mocked.

"Not true," I say, pulling on a shirt. "Men are pigs. They come after women, even after being told no. Almost happened to me, 3 times. Now, they're dead." I pull back the shirt and walk to the mirror.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident," she looks around.

"It's dance music, not my genre but still," I say. I pop my head out. "Point being, that's a party dress," I turn around and check myself out.

Damn! I'm sexy!

"People dance to this," She ask and Stefan hums.

"Are we done," Klaus asked, tired of it.

"And why are you so grumpy," she inquires.

"Because he's lonely. Now that we share a room, he has nobody in his bed," I fake pout. "I mean, unless theres something there," I gesture between Klaus and Stefan after popping my head in. Rebekah chuckled.

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it," He snarks so I jump in.

"She didn't lose it, it's just been miss for 90 years. Plus, your the one who put her in the box. Take responsibility. a thousand years old and without manners," I tsk. "Horrendous!"

"So what do you think," she asked, Stefan, I presume.

"I like it," there's a pause. "What? I said I like it."

"I can always tell when your lying, Stefan."

"Nice one, good work," Klaus mutters condescendingly. I pull on heels and walk out. I'm in a black outfit.

"So," they look. "How is this?" I'm wearing my hair in buns, my usual necklaces, leather skirt, mesh cropped top, sock heels, and a waist belt.

 "How is this?" I'm wearing my hair in buns, my usual necklaces, leather skirt, mesh cropped top, sock heels, and a waist belt

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Klaus is nodding, staring. Stefan is looking like the window. Rebekah comes out.

"Bloody hell! You look amazing," she exclaimed.

"There's nothing a girl can't do in heels. I can run, fight, etc in heels," I brag.

"You fight in outfits like these," The original quzzies so I nod. "Bloody hell! You are a Bell!"

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