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Rieka's POV

I jog down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I see a muffin and tea. There's a note.

At school. Cleaned for you. Hope you feel better.
Bekah ;)

I sit at the marble countertop,eating and drinking. It's dragonfruit tea and a blueberry muffin. I spend the day giving myself time to process yesterday.

I run a bath with rose pedals,bath salts, and essential oils. I have a bottle of wine and a glass. I also have triple fudge brownies and miniature cookies. It's a ME day.


After eating,relaxing,and drinking I got out of the tub. I entered my room and rubbed myself down in lotions. I masked my hair,ate junk, did face masks,painted my toes, and researched my family more in the library

I then got a call, it was Rebekah. She needs picked up. I hop in my Camaro and go to the boarding house.


I pull up and it looks safe, I walk in,clad in sweats and a hoodie. I smell like a bath and body works clashed with yankee candle, but it's nice.

I see Rebekah on the floor,breaking down. I swear my heart re-broke for her

"Bekah," she looks up and I run straight to her.

"He-he-he killed her, Klaus, killed her," she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Who," I coo.

"M-m-my mother," he sobs louder. I look around.

"Come on, let's go to my place, yeah," I help her up and to the car.


After helping her to the car I brought her to the kitchen to clean up.

"Here," I hand her a blood bag. "Wanna talk about it?"

"No, thank you though. I've never had a sister," she sniffled.

"Well now you do," I smile.

"I'm sorry, but you smell fantastic! What is that," she asked.

"I've taken a ME day for awhile. When you left yesterday, my parents, they-I seen them. Their spirits, or whatever," I laugh. "They told me...a lot!"

"Yeah, we'll, Jaxin always had a flair for the dramatic," she chuckled.

"Well so do you, your brother,and your other brother," we laugh.

"True! Hey I'm going to sleep, homecomings tomorrow," she tried to leave but I pull her into a hug. "They plan on using Mikeal to kill him, Rieka."

"Klaus," she nods. "Well, we need a fail safe. Tell them your gonna help them,they'll believe it,because of your mom. Help lore him back, then help me save him," I smirk. We let go.

"Does that mean your going to the dance," she clapped when I nodded.

"Yes! I'll dress shop online and it'll be here tomorrow," I let a sigh go. "I'm going to bed, because I also need a new phone."

"Night,Ry," she yelled, I groaned in response.


After picking up a new phone, I shift into my wolf form and run tot he salvatore property. I listen to them converse.

"-what did you say to me," Klaus asked from the phone.

"Oh,my mistake, not your actual father, and not dead. Mikael. Daggered," I could, literally, feel the rage and sadness from Klaus in waves. "What do you want me to do with the body?"

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