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Rieka's POV

It's been days, Klaus left us here. I've been going through my house. I found pictures, paintings, other things from around the world, different era's. I also bought a new car,since mine is dead. It's a 2010 Chevy Camaro, matte red with dark windows.

 It's a 2010 Chevy Camaro, matte red with dark windows

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I've been staying here, cleaning, making it home. I speak with Klaus a few times a day. I updated furniture and paint. The paint is 3 white walls and a black one. Now it's a long, grey couch with foot stools attached on the ends and pillows, wooden end tables, grey entertainment stand, marble carpet, dark laminate floors, and a few lamps. And that's the living room.

Rebekah also stays with me now

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Rebekah also stays with me now. I have her a room down the hall of the upstairs.


I'm shower when I hear glass break. I finish showering and dressing in a Henley and sweatpants. I run downstairs. I see a picture of my parents broken.

"What the absolute hell," I say.

"Hello my child," my fathers voice says.

"Dad," I turn and see them, my parents, I'm my living room. "H-h-how? How are you guys here," I walk up to them and feel them for real. "Are you alive?"

"No, another witch messed up," she mutters. "We're only here for a short time. But we'll spent it with you, as much as possible."

"Yeah, I want to really know you guys," I hug them. "Thank you Bonnie!"

"Now come, I'll cook," my father says.


After he cook we say in comfortable silence. It was nice to be normal.

"So, I assume," he gets plates out. "You have questions?"

"Tons," he nods. "Tell me about us. Bellissima's. Everything. Please."

"Our family's line goes back farther than originals, 2,000 years. Bellissima's are some of the most feared men, or people, now. You, my brother, and I could kill all supernaturals. We massacred people for a laugh," he sighs. "We spend almost are whole lives with the Originals. Javen, he found his mate, had a son. He died along with his mother, Javen's mate. He went missing, didn't find him even in death. A while before we died, I called Elijah to watch over you. Protect you. And you may feel a need to be with thepacks, but you don't belong with them. Not Matt, or Tyler, or Caroline. You belong with the Mikaelson's. Javen, Nik, Elijah, Kol,Rebekah, and I spent forever together."

"Tell me all of it,dad, please," I beg, intrigued.

"Bellissima is a bloodline presumed extinct," he spews. "Vampires and witches teamed up to kill us. Your mother and I. We left you with the Donavan's days after your birth. Your the last of our bloodline, you'll continue our legacy. They'll tell you stuff we don't have time for. They'll love you."

"We died to keep you from dying, but don't carry that weigh, baby girl," she tells. "We wanted your life over ours."

"I love you guys," we all embrace. "So much!"

"You've inherited our legacy which means all of our enemies. Powerful people will seek revenge. Be with them, protect and stay protected."

"I will," I cry. "I give you my word, I'll do right by you both."

"We know," he tells.

"What about your side," I face my mother.

"I was an abomination, because I am a seer. It got worse when I helped my ex, who I thought I was in love with kill his own family. After that I ran like hell, for years and met your father," she grabs his hand. "It only got worse for being with Jax. 11 years after killing them, I gave birth to you.  I had a dream of our three murders, so we did our best to save us all. But your the only survivor. I was shunned and killed, along with what they though was you. They shoved a painite dagger in Jaxin's heart and ripped out my heart, while we watched each other."

"Witches have free reign on the other side so we've watched you, together." He tells.

"That's...a lot to take in," I clear my throat.

"We had the worst reputations along with them originals. You also have a town waiting for you. It's yours. It will call to you, when the time comes," he tells and I pull out my ringing phone. It was Caroline.

"Hello," I sniffle.

"Hey, they're sending the ghosts back," she shuffles.

"No! Give me time, please," I beg. "Their here, my parents," I mutter.

"Oh, my god! Hold on," she muted me for about 10 seconds. "She won't hold off, I'm sorry," she hangs up.

"They-they won't-," they hug me.

"We know, baby," she whispers.

"We love you, okay? It's alright," they cry as he talks.

"No,it isn't! It's not fair! I didn't get to know you! I was with shitty people, raised two siblings, mated to an original, all in before my 22 birthday. I deserve this! I earned it," I sputter.

"It's ok, your fine," she hold me like the worlds ending. "We love you, Rieka. He killed Vicki, ok? It was Damon Salvatore."


"Turned her and killed her, she's on the other side. Her unfinished business is you," I look at her with blurry eyes. "Not saying good bye."

"Tell her, please," I hop in my dads arms. "Don't leave, you-you guys can't! Ahhh," I scream as they vanish.

"Love you," is the last thing I hear.

"Nooooo! No. Why? Please, no! Ahhh," I smash everything from pictures, vases, furniture all while yelling.


After a while I go and shower. I was bloody and sweaty from smashing everything. I just sit there crying and thinking.

It's my fault! They died for me! I'm a horrible, useless person!

My phone rings as I get out. I put it in my hand and crack it in two. I pull in underwear and a Henley. I lay in my bed crying myself to sleep.

Third person POV

Rieka didn't answer Klaus, he was fuming, sad, and worried at once. He hops in and out of the shower in under 6 minutes. He tries many more times but it fails. He texts and calls, until he feels her sadness and anger. He knows somethings up. He goes to the hotel bed, and pulls on the pants and briefs he laid out. Then lays in it, falling asleep  before getting Rebekah's many texts.


Rieka's house is a mess! She's not here!

I smell blood! And others were inside!

She smashed everything! She showered after,I assume by the water trail!

She's asleep! I'm worried, call when you can, brother.

He turns in his sleep with a light snort.


Sorry it's short, mostly a filler.

Also sorry for the little crying session.

Hope you like, loves!


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