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Rieka's POV

After I woke up to Nik running his fingers in my hair, I got ready for the day. I dressed in a cropped, emerald hoodie with white jeans and rips at the thigh to the shin. I Dutch braid my hair and do light makeup.

I'm now in the Mikaelson's living room with Kol and Klaus. I'm posing for him to sketch me, not sure why he wants to paint or draw me, but he's a vampire.They're weird.

"Well,well,well. There's our other girl," Kol taunts as Rebekah shuffled into the house. She tries to escape him but he blocks her, multiple times.

"Get out of my way, Kol," she sasses.

"Out all night. What a scandal," Kol mocks. "I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth," she hissed.

I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. I see flashes of her and Damon doing the devils tango.

I pull away from her and gag. "Ew, seriously? Damon? Plus, you dick, Matt's my brother!"

Klaus laughs. Kol smiles reassuringly. "Don't start, Nik," Bekah says exasperated.

"I didn't say anything," he feigns innocence.

"I'm bored," Kol plops on the couch,sighing. "Our sister is a strumpet, but atleast she's having fun. I need entertainment."

"Well," they look at me as I speak. "Just because she sleeps with a few people doesn't mean you should shame her. I mean, you act like you have never had sex," I say pursing my lips in a bitchy, know it all matter. They ignore me, but Rebekah. She was smiling gratefully.

"What are you waiting for? Go on. Have it," Klaus says deeply.

"It's no fun to go alone," Kol says like 'duhhh'. "Join me, Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart."

Kol knows family is one of the most important things in the world to Klaus. He loves them, even in fights and 'betrayals'. It makes me long for a family like that. My real ones dead and missing. My adoptive one is dead, abandoned me, and disowned me for being a supernatural killer.

News flash, it's Mystic Falls everybody kills. That's life. Kill or be killed.

At this point they asked me to go, I told them later. I want to see Elijah. We haven't talked well in awhile. And on cue, Elijah walks in. "Rebekah."

"Not you, too, Elijah," she sighs in a tired of it all way.

"I'm worried about mother," he looks at me. "Rieka. Have you both not noticed her strange behavior?"

"She's been dead a thousand years. What's strange for her," Rebekah points out.

Good point, but I'm unconvinced. I smell sage,burnt, like a overcooked cookie.

"Burn sage," they look at me. "What, ohh. Wolf nose, and witches knowledge. It's for a privacy spell."

I feel very weak and stumble sideways into Rebekah a bit. "Elijah, you know she fancies such things. Woah, are you alright, Ry?"

"Fine, but I think I'm going to go home for a bit. Oh, and then go to the grill. Later, Original family."

I hop in my car and speed to my house.


I was drawing the same house on repeat. I drew the witch house six times before I left to the grill.

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