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Rieka's POV

I wake up in the boarding house. I'm fully dressed in a dress shirt and sweat pants. I walk to the kitchen and get water. I walk in to there conversation.

"-The ingredients, so to speak," Elijah tells. "You already know, but one."

"The moonstone," Stefan says as I listen.

"A witch will channel the power of the full moon, to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire," he gestures from me to Stefan. "Will sacrifice one of each."

"And where do I fit into it?" Elena asked.

I wonder if they know about my part in the ritual? I thought.

"3/4 of the way in. Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgä the point of your death." He grabs something from the shelf.

"And that's where you come in," Elena sighs.

"There's a total 4 parts. Your the third," they looked bemused, why I paled. "He has to bind his self to a women. I'd rather not say who, but she stays alive. I think she wants to be anonymous," he glances at me so quick, I almost missed it. "She is his Mate," we all need farther explanation. "Their souls are bound. And they've been fated together." He says,not getting into specifics.

"I'm gonna go. I-I'm,going to see Matt," I jog out the door, shift and run home. I take a shower.


I throw my hair in a messy bun, no makeup, put a sheet on the floor, I put on a shirt and shorts. I paint. I get flashes repeating. Blood, fire,him. I start painting. I closes my eyes and my mind guides me.

 I closes my eyes and my mind guides me

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After, about two hours I stop. I take a step back and freak out. I call the only supernatural person I trust now.


'Come over here. Please. I just sat at an easel for hours drawing the same person and-and I need answers'

'5 minutes' the call ends.


A knock rattled through the house. I open the door and see Elijah.

"Come in," I move aside.

"Whats the matter," he asked concerned.

"Come in here," I gestured to the door. " look at the canvas. What do you see?"

"I see a man. Blood. Wolf. What is this," he feigns confusion.

"I had a vision, premonition if you will. I see bits of the future. It's my witch side. I feel other things too," I walk up to him, and put my hand on his arm. I shuffle through memories, most containing the man. "Who is he?"

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