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Rieka's POV

I feel heat. I hear screaming. I feel this call, happiness.

"What does Rieka have to do with any of this," Elena yelled.

"Oh. That isn't really your business, now is it," he gives Greta the moonstone. It's missing a chuck, like it was cut. He approaches Jules. I feel obligated to protect her now that I submitted to myself. But she tried to kill Caroline. She growls, speeds at him, he rips out her heart. He proceeds to squeeze her heart. I listen in.

"Does that mean it's working," he asked still squeezing it.

"It's working," she pauses. "What's the other wolf have to do with this?"

"She's the fourth ingredient," he smirks.

"She dies too," she sounded ecstatic about my death.

"No,Greta," he growled out. "We just feed from one another. She's my mate." His voice drops down to a whisper.

Oh, shit! Thanks mother and father. I was pared with a psycho killer! I thought.

"Rieka, why are you here," Elena asked. Jenna looked confused.

"I have no idea," I lie well. I get stuck in my own thoughts. Voices snap me out of it.

"-Let her go! I understand I have to die but she doesn't," she says, walk closer to the flames.

"Careful," he mocks. Internally laugh.

"Elena don't," I zone out. I hear whispering. I focus on it.

Originals.Warehouse.Dagger. Werewolves. Killing. Blood. Friendship. Originals.Warehouse.Dagger. Werewolves. Killing. Blood. Friendship. They continuously repeat. I drop to my knees, holding my head. I grunt out, digging at my skull.

"No! Stop! Shut up! Stop talking! Stop," I chant. Klaus walks up to me.

"What's happening," he asked concerned.

"They're so loud," I rasp out.

"What are they saying,love," he asked.

"Originals.Warehouse.Dagger.Werewolves. Killing. Blood. Friendship. It's like screaming in my head," I grab my head. Then I pass out.


I sit up on a couch. I recognize it.

"Mom? Dad," I yell.

"No need for yelling,child " my dad walks in, chuckling.


"She's visiting your grandmother," I was confused. "Witches have free reign."

"Oh. What's happening. There's screams in my head." I say about to cry in pain.

"It's your witch and werewolf genes clashing. As a wolf, you want to help your mate. But your witch side wants to keep the curse sealed.  The witch part feels death, and all. Your wolf wants to protect him. Chose your wolf side. It'll be easiest," he says.  I hear yelling.

"Rieka! Rieka! Wake up," Klaus shouts.

"You need to go, he'll blow a gasket," we chuckle and hug


"Owww," I grab my head.

"What happened," he asked.

"Witch and wolf genes clashing. Witch side wants to keep the curse sealed. But the wolf side wants to help you. It was chanting, screaming in my head. I know you didn't drown them," he visibly shocks. I look over his shoulder to see a dead Jenna and stake chunk in Stefan.

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