Twists and turns

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Deacon called me and told me what happened to his mom. I asked if Tim has a death wish. I got met with a bunch of swear words. I didn't think the English language had that many cuss words. According to Deacon, it does.

We all know Tim is a few screws short of a toolbox. I knew this from attending school with him. Some guys are loners and quiet. It doesn't make them crazy but introverted. Tim took it to another level.

I came out of class as Kayden caught up with me.

"Where's your better half?" I asked.

"He's studying with Leticia." Kayden sighed.

"Well, you would study with a girl if you weren't a lothario."

Kayden rolled his eyes. "I like to meet new people. So sue me."

"It's one thing to meet people. It's another to hook up with them. Do you want to make your dads grandpas now? Can you see Markus as a doting grandfather?"

"Oh, God, no. I love my dad, but I'll leave Hayden in charge if I have an offspring."

I chuckled.

"What's up with you and Conner?"

"Conner has issues, and I'm helping him work through them."

Kayden arched a brow.

I rolled my eyes. "Not those issues. We haven't gotten to that point yet. Conner's self-esteem is shot."

"Well, duh."

I shook my head. My cousin is something else.

"I say you grab Conner and throw him on the bed."

"And do what?"

"You know." Kayden shrugged.

I take that back. My cousin is an idiot. The guy can't keep his hormones in check yet can say the word sex. That means one thing. Kayden is pure as the driven snow. Me, not so much.

"How are you a horndog, yet can't say the word sex?"


I arched a brow.

Kayden leaned into me. "I have a reputation to protect."

"What reputation? People consider you a male slut even though you've never done anything. That makes sense."

"Girls don't like guys if they don't have game. They don't even know who you are unless you put yourself out there. I'm putting out my feelers."

"No, girls don't like guys who play games, which you do. The right girl doesn't want a guy's reputation. They want the guy. If you keep it up, you'll live with cats."

Kayden rolled his eyes. The truth hurts.

"Did you hear about what Tim did?" Kayden asked me.

"Yeah, Deacon called me. Does he have a death wish?"

"Markus does some crazy shit, but Matt doesn't play with his family."

"Besides Conner, his family has always started shit. Tim takes it to a whole other level."

"Yeah, Markus told Jayden and me to watch our backs. If that tool comes anywhere near us, we'll drop him."

I glanced at Kayden. I had no doubt the psycho twins would drop Tim Wilson. There's a reason we call them the psycho twins.


Leticia and I spent time studying, then grabbed a burger. I took Markus's advice and played it cool, acting like a gentleman. I made sure I paid for her food and kept my hands to myself.

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