Court jesters

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Okay, so stealing a police horse wasn't my brightest move. The horse was lonely, and I figured it needed a friend. In my opinion, you shouldn't leave a horse unattended, but I digress.

Since we had to attend a court hearing for inciting a brawl involving fruit and a horse, Dad called in reinforcements. When I say reinforcements, I mean Mack Bennett. Nash wanted to hurt me. Yeah, I wanted to hurt myself.

When our parents moved back, we had the privilege of experiencing Mack 101. Let me explain Mack 101. When you did something stupid, Mack had the pleasure of doling out your punishment. He enjoyed himself while you suffered. You don't want to endure Mack 101.

We showed up for our court appearance, and guess who's sitting in the front row. Take a guess. If you guessed Mack, then you're correct.

Nash and I groaned when we noticed Mack, who smiled. Our cousins are in for a treat.

All nine of us stood in front of the judge dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt. The judge sat at his bench as the court officer handed him a file. He flipped through the folder, reading the charges out loud.

"Theft of police property. Deadly force involving apples, inciting a brawl on school grounds. Littering. Oh, and this is good. One male yelled hi-yo, Silver!" The judge peeked over his reading glasses, then noticed our dads. "It's nice to see you again in my courtroom, Mr. Harpers and Mr. O'Neill. It's been a while."

Our dads sunk into their seats.

"Mr. Bennett, it's nice that you have joined us today."

"No problem, your honor. I'm serving my civil duty," Mack said.

"Uh-huh." The judge closed the folder and folded his hands. "How do you plea?"

"Not guilty," we said.

The judge arched a brow. "Would you like to change your plea?"

"No, sir," we said.

The court officer handed pictures to the judge. He glanced at them. "I have proof of your guilt. Would you like to change your plea?"

"We plead the fifth," I said.

My cousins stared at me. You never admit guilt and invoke your fifth amendment right. Didn't my cousins learn anything?

The judge raked his hand over his face.

"Your honor, may I approach the bench?" Mack asked.

Well, shit.

The judge waved Mack to him. Mack maneuvered through the gate, stopped, and smirked at Nash and me. We groaned. Yeah, we're dead.


I strolled towards the judge's bench and leaned on it with my arm. I gestured at the judge as he leaned towards me.

"You know the dipwad kids are guilty. I know they're guilty. They won't admit to anything because the red head's dad dropped him when he was a baby. Let's save time and hassles," I said.

"What do you suggest, Mack?"

"Henry, Bob still has terrible fashion sense. Does that tell you anything?"

"Is he still wearing that ugly shirt?" The judge grimaced.

"Yeah. Bob keeps hiding it from Ruth."

"He needs to burn that shirt."

"I agree. But what can you do?"

"We off-topic, Mack."

"Oh, right. Since the kids can seem to stay away from the police, let me offer their punishment."

"What do you suggest?"

I smiled.

"It's better than dealing with the Grays and Harpers who seem to have a long-standing court appearance in my courtroom. Now, let me do my job."

I nodded and walked back to my seat. When I finish with the kids, they'll walk straight and narrow.


I prayed since I'll kill my brother. I figure God will forgive me for hurting Grayson.

"Since you plea not guilty, I'm sentencing you to community service with Mack Bennett," the judge said.

Yep, I'll kill Grayson.

"I'm remanding you into the custody of Mr. Bennet to serve your community service. He will report to the courts when you finish."

I shot Grayson daggers. Grayson looked at the ceiling. My cousins knitted their brows and squinted their eyes at us.

We filed out of the courtroom as Mack waited for us. Our dad didn't need to explain to us. We knew. The others didn't. They're in for a real treat.

"I'm confused," Markus said.

"You seem like you're the type to be confused. But then again, it doesn't surprise me," Mack said.

Markus's brows raised, and his jaw slacked.

"Let me break it down for you since I watch a lot of teen programs. Your kids are dipwads who do stupid shit. They fought the law and didn't win. The law won, costing you time and money. Orange doesn't look good on anyone," Mack said.

"Mr. Bennett, how old are you?" Matt asked.

"Old enough. I keep kicking while dealing with bullshit. It's my last hurrah. So, your kids will help me." Mack turned and walked away.

Have you ever met someone who'll never die? That's Mack.

We followed Mack outside, and he gave us his address. Fantastic. Yep, Grayson will die an early death.


We exited the courthouse and walked to our cars, getting in. Then we followed Nash and Grayson to a house. Well, the house has seen better days.

We exited the cars and walked towards the house as Mr. Bennett stood in front.

"Welcome to my humble abode. Since I'm cheap and don't want to hire a handyman, you'll repair my house."

We all glared at Grayson, who averted his eyes.

"Since you enjoy using your hands, put them to use and fix my damn house." Mr. Bennett pressed a button, and the garage door opened, showing paint, electrical, and plumbing materials. "See, I know you work on houses." He pointed at Owen and Elias. "You," he pointed at Nash, "work on electrical." He glanced at Nate. "Since you understand a wrench, I have leaky pipes. The rest can paint and do yard work." Mr. Bennett turned and went into his house.

We scowled at Grayson.

"Well, it's better than picking up trash on the roadside," Grayson said.

We smacked Grayson upside the head, then got to work. Elias and Owen designated jobs for each of us. Nate worked on the plumbing while Nash fixed the electrical. The psycho twins cleaned the yard. Deacon and I painted the house's exterior. Owen and Elias replaced rotted wood. Grayson washed and waxed Mr. Bennett's car.

Kayden walked by Grayson and said, "Wax on. Wax off."

We laughed as Grayson rolled his eyes. Well, don't steal a horse and drag us into your stupid decisions. Since we had to complete one hundred hours of community service, we're spending our weekends working on Mr. Bennett's house.

I have learned a valuable lesson. Hide the next time, my cousins say, you have to see this. It'll save me a lot of issues. Then again, these are my cousins that we're talking about here. It's a good thing that I'm studying ministry. I'm sure Grayson will go to hell for his stupid antics. I'll pray for his soul. How much time does God have to listen?

In case you're wondering, Mack Bennett, is from The Bennett Series. Larissa's story is featured in the last part of the series. Yes, Mack is old, but he's still kicking.

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